Amelia Craver Special Lecture
Thanks to the leadership and generosity of Amelia Craver, Class of 1988, the USC Genetic Counseling Program has developed an endowment to benefit the education of genetic counselors, an investment into the future. Genetic counseling graduate students directly benefit from interest income that supports their educational experience.
Year after year, Missy Craver has continued to support our growth, and as we reach a 10-year milestone (2013-2023), the Genetic Counseling Endowment "Looks Like A Million Bucks". With over $750,000 invested, we are closing in on our goal of a Million Dollar Genetic Counseling Program Endowment!
As a tribute to her vision for the future, the program sponsors the Amelia Craver Special Lecture in Genetic Counseling. Each year, students, faculty and friends of the Genetic Counseling Program benefit from a special speaker to challenge and broaden our perspectives on genetic counseling.

Claire N. Singletary MS, CGC
Bidirectional Learning: My Journey in Genetic Counseling Education
Professor and Director, Genetic Counseling Program
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
President-Elect, Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors
Striving to Love What We Do and Who We Are: Lessons on Vitality and Inclusion for
Genetic Counselors
MaryAnn Campion, EdD, MS, CGC
Genomics: Establishing a New Technologic Convergence in Medicine. It's Almost Here
- Ready?
Anthony Gregg, MD, MBA, FACOG, FACMG, Baylor University Medical Center
Genetic or Genomic Counseling? The Opportunities and Challenges of Empowering Patients
in the Era of Genome Sequencing
Yvonne Bombard, PhD, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael's Hospital
The Yin and Yang of Cancer Genetics
1) Pediatric Cancer Predisposition in the Genomics Era
2) Biallelic Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndrome: Exploiting Hypermutations to Save
Uri Tabori, MD, University of Toronto Hospital for Sick Children
Cell Free DNA Technology in Real Time Tumor Genomics
Rebecca J. Nagy, MS, CGC, Guardant Health
A Transnational Perspective: From Carrier Screening to PGD in Israel
Michal Sagi, PhD, Hadassah University Medical Center Jerusalem