Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
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- Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
- Faculty and Staff
- Robert G. Brookshire
Faculty and Staff
Robert G. Brookshire
Title: | Graduate Director Professor Emeritus |
Department: | Department of Integrated Information Technology Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-6570 |

- Ph.D., Emory University, Atlanta, GA
- M.Ed., Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
- A.B., University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Dr. Robert G. Brookshire is a professor in the Integrated Information Technology Department in the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. He is the director of the Master of Health Information Technology program. He has taught at New York University, North Texas State University, the University of Virginia, and James Madison University. He is the co-author of Using Microcomputers for Research (Sage Publications, 1985), and his articles have appeared in the Journal of Computer Information Systems, BYTE, Social Science Computer Review, Legislative Studies Quarterly, The European Journal of Operational Research, and other journals. He is past president of the Organizational Systems Research Association and editor of the Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal from 2001 to 2011.
Research Overview
- Applications of statistical methods and neural networks
- Information systems pedagogy
- Web usability
ITEC 370 - Database Systems in Information Technology
ITEC 475 - Mainframe Systems
ITEC 552 - Linux Programming and Administration
Honors and awards
- Conference Best Paper, Organizational Systems Research Association, 2006, with Tena B. Crews and Herbert F. Brown III
- Conference Best Paper, Southern Association of Information Systems , 2005, with Tena B. Crews, L. Roger Yin, and C. Steven Hunt
Regan, E. A., Agha, A. M., and Brookshire, R. G. (2022). “Digital Learning in Healthcare: Where We Are and Where We Are Going,” SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work (Eds. Margaret Malloch, Len Cairns, Bridget N. O’Connor, and Karen Evans), SAGE Publications, pp. 311-328.
Schooley B., Singh A., Hikmet N., Brookshire R., Patel N., (2020). “Integrated Digital Patient Education at the Bedside for Patients with Chronic Conditions: Observational Study,” Journal of Medical Internet Research Mhealth Uhealth 2020, 8(12)
Chin, A.G., Harris, M.A. & Brookshire, R. G. (2020) "An Empirical Investigation of Intent to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems Using a Trust-based Extended Valence Framework" Information Systems Frontiers
Chin, A. G.; Harris, M. A.; and Brookshire, R. G. (2018). “A bidirectional perspective of trust and risk in determining factors that influence mobile app installation,” International Journal of Information Management, 39:49-59.
Harris, M. A., Brookshire, R. and Chin, A. G. (2016). "Identifying factors influencing consumers’ intent to install mobile application." International Journal of Information Management 36:441-450.
Harris, Mark A., Chin, Amita G., and Brookshire, R. (2015). “Mobile app installation: The role of precautions and desensitization.” Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 24(4):47-62.
Brookshire, R. G., Crews, T. B., and Brown, H. F. (2011). "Influences on student performance in a university networks and telecommunications course." Online Courses and ICT in Education. (Tomei, L.A.., Ed.). Hershey, PA.
Brookshire, R. G., Lybarger, K. M. and Keane, L. B. (2011). "Virtual workplace learning: Promises met?" In Margaret Malloch, Len Cairns, Karen Evans, and Bridget N. O'Connor, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 331-341.
Brookshire, R. G., Crews, T. B., and Brown III, H. F. (2009) "Student success in a university introductory networks and telecommunications course: Contributing factors." International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 5(1), 53-61.
Gerdes Jr., J., Stringam, B. B., and Brookshire, R. G. (2008). "An integrative approach to assess qualitative and quantitative consumer feedback." Electronic Commerce Research 8:4, 217-234.
Brookshire, R. G., Yin, L. R., Hunt, C. S. and Crews, T. B. (2007). "An end-user information systems curriculum for the 21st century." Journal of Computer Information Systems, 47, 81-88.
Norris, D. T., Denizci, B. and Brookshire, R. G. (2007). "Modeling function-oriented drivers of hotel wireless infrastructure." Proceedings of the Hospitality Information Technology Association Conference, 155-170.
Brookshire, R. G. and Palocsay, S. W. (2005). "Factors contributing to the success of undergraduate business students in management science courses." Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 3, 99-108.
Yin, L. R., Crews, T. B., Brookshire, R. G. and Norris, D. T. (2005). "Lifelong e-learning: A foundation for technology education and professional success." Issues in Information Systems, 6 (pp. 211-216) International Association for Computer Information Systems.
Williamson, K., Brookshire, R. G. and Wright, N. D. (2002). "Building a B.S. degree program in e-business." Marketing Education Review, 12, 1-10.
Professional Affiliations
- Association for Information Systems
- Health Information Management Systems Society
Consulting Experiences
- Statistical analysis and research design
- Corporate strategic goal setting