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College of Education

Fellowship Application

The College of Education at the University of South Carolina invites applications for doctoral fellowships aimed to support practicing teachers and administrators within the Professional Development Schools (PDS) network who are completing the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program.

Goals of the Program

The goals of this fellowship program are to:

  • Enhance the scholarly productivity of the Professional Development School settings
  • Extend collaborative enterprises between the University and PDS partners
  • Support teacher leadership in using action research or improvement science to address relevant and pressing needs within school settings


Expectations of Professional Development School Sites

  • Graduate tuition reduction credits will be applied towards the Fellow's Ed.D. studies (average 20 credits/year for 3 years).
  • The school will support the applicant in conducting dissertation research in the school to address a problem of practice identified by the fellow.


Expectations of the College of Education and the Center for Educational Partnerships

  • The College of Education will provide each fellow with $1000 each year, designed to offset the remaining tuition expenses when tuition reduction credits are used.
  • The USC PDS liaison will provided enhanced support for the dissertation phase of the program.
  • The PDS liaison and Center for Educational Partnerships will support the fellow in identifying potential dissemination outlets for findings from dissertation research.


Expectations of you, the Professional Development School Fellow

  • The fellow must be in good academic standing with the program, College of Education, and the Graduate School at the University of South Carolina. Any fellow placed on academic probation is ineligible to receive future fellowship funding.
  • The College of Education will provide $1,000 each year to off set the remaining tuition expenses. Remaining tuition expenses must be paid for by the fellow.
  • The fellow must investigate a problem of practice within the professional development school site and/or school district.
  • The fellow is expected to disseminate findings from dissertation research through presentation at district meetings, state/national conferences, or published venue.

Please note: You must already be admitted to the Ed.D. concentration to be considered for the fellowship.



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
