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My Arts and Sciences


Internships for College of Arts and Sciences Students: where education and experience come together

Employers agree that the attributes traditionally associated with a liberal arts education, such as the capacity to think critically, communicate clearly and solve problems are the most valuable qualities of new hires. As an Arts and Sciences student, you possess a broad scope of knowledge that when combined with career preparation through an internship, creates a sharp competitive advantage in the job market. 

An internship is an opportunity to build your resume with hands-on experience and expand your professional network. Employers often use internships as a recruitment tool to evaluate future employees and in many cases, hire their interns after graduation.

Internship Resources

Handshake: USC’s career management platform and search engine to find internships and full-time positions.  

Carolina Internship Program (CIP): The Carolina Internship Program allows you to maintain your full-time student status while completing an internship without having to reapply to the university and petition back into your academic college.  

South Carolina Internship Program: USC can offer financial supplements to students who obtain internships that support high-demand industries within the state of South Carolina. Supplements are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Micro-Internships: Paid, short-term experiences to help you develop professional skills while engaging with employers from various industries.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
