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Document Library

This document library contains documents and forms distributed by the CAS Office of the Dean to chairs and directors, faculty and staff.  The library will be updated regularly and document revisions will be distributed as necessary.

The library is searchable using the section name or any word in the document title. Select a section below to filter or use the keyword search below.

Section Document Title Doc. Type Format Keywords
(hidden column)
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Outside Professional Activities Document  PDF ethics, conflict of interest, 
conflict of commitment, consulting, compensated
Academic Administration CAS Template:  Conflict of Commitment Management Plan Document Word ethics, conflict of interest, 
conflict of commitment, consulting, compensated, outside professional activities
Academic Administration CAS Administrative Planning Calendar Link    
Academic Administration CAS Administrative Planning Calendar (PDF, printer-friendly version) Document PDF



Academic Administration CAS Approval Steps for Faculty Members Leading USC Study Abroad Programs Document PDF


Academic Administration CAS Internal Website (MyCAS) Shortlinks Document PDF  
Human Resources Request for Instructional Support (RIS) Form Link   additional instructional, support, hr, RAIS
Human Resources CAS Memorandum of Understanding Template (2021-2022) Document Word MOU
Tenure & Promotion Office of the Provost Tenure and Promotion Website Link   mid-year, third-year, T&P, tenure progress, post-tenure
Tenure & Promotion T&P Blackboard Instructions : Department Chair Document PDF mid-year, third-year, T&P, tenure progress, post-tenure
Tenure & Promotion T&P Blackboard Instructions : Unit T&P Chair Document PDF mid-year, regular,  third-year, T&P, tenure progress, post-tenure
Tenure & Promotion CAS Tenure Progress Review File Bookmarks Document PDF  tenure, promotion, third-year
Tenure & Promotion CAS Tenure and Promotion File Bookmarks Document PDF mid-year, regular,T&P, tenure progress, post-tenure
Tenure & Promotion CAS Tenure and Promotion Calendar: Post Tenure Review 2023-2024 Document PDF T&P, post-tenure
Tenure & Promotion CAS Tenure and Promotion Calendar: Tenure Progress Review 2023-2024 Document PDF third-year, T&P
Tenure & Promotion CAS Tenure and Promotion Calendar: Fall Cycle 2023-2024 Document PDF regular,  T&P
Tenure & Promotion CAS Tenure and Promotion Calendar: Spring Cycle 2024-2025 Document PDF mid-year, T&P
Academic Administration Faculty Course Buyout Request Form Link   faculty, course, buyout, buyouts, release, salary, savings, research grant
Tenure & Promotion 2024 – 2025 Faculty Review Calendars and Information   PDF  
Tenure & Promotion Tenure and Promotion Academic Year 2024-2025 Fall Cycle   PDF tenure
Tenure & Promotion Post-Tenure Review (PTR) Schedule and Calendar 2024-2025   PDF tenure
Tenure & Promotion Tenure-Progress Review Calendar 2024-2025   PDF tenure
Tenure & Promotion Tenure and Promotion Academic Year 2024 - 2025 SPRING CYCLE 2025 – 2026 CALENDAR    PDF tenure
Tenure & Promotion Esubmission TP Instructions for Dept. Chairs   PDF  
Tenure & Promotion Esubmission TP Instructions for Unit Chairs   PDF  
Tenure & Promotion Tenure and Promotion Bookmarks   PDF tenure
Tenure & Promotion Tenure Progress Bookmarks   PDF tenure
Budget & Finance CAS Policy: Purchasing Card Eligibility Document PDF budget, pcard, p-card
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Appointment and Review of Department Chairs and Directors (Revised September 2023) Document PDF evaluation, search, committee, annual, chair, director
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Academic Program Review Guidelines Document PDF external
Human Resources CAS HR: Faculty Overload Appointment Letter Template Document Word hr
Human Resources CAS HR: Temporary Salary Adjustment (TSA) Request Template Document Word hr
Human Resources CAS HR: Pay for Performance (PFP) Request Template Document Word hr
Human Resources CAS HR Hiring Diagram:  Time-Limited (TL) Document PDF hr
Human Resources CAS HR Hiring Diagram:  Temporary Hourly Document PDF hr
Human Resources CAS HR Hiring Diagram: Temporary Salaried Document PDF hr
Human Resources CAS HR Hiring Diagram:  Temporary Adjunct Faculty Salaried Document PDF hr
Human Resources CAS HR Hiring Diagram:  FTE Staff / Research Grant Position (RGP) Document PDF hr
Human Resources Non-FTE Position Request Form Form PDF hr
Human Resources CAS HR:  FTE Staff Position Request Template Document Word hr
Human Resources CAS HR:  Position Description (PD) Modification Template Document Excel pd, hr
Human Resources Sabbatical Request Form Document  PDF hr
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Graduate and Teaching Assistants ( September 2019) Document PDF appointment, letter, letters, human resources, ga, gia, gta, gra, graduate student, hire, hires
Budget & Finance CAS Budget Memo Sample:  Cell Phone Document Word  
Budget & Finance CAS Budget Memo Sample:  Food Document Word  
Budget & Finance CAS Budget Memo Sample:  Membership Document Word  
Budget & Finance CAS Carryforward Sample Report Document Word  
Budget & Finance CAS Carryforward Process Instructions: Presentation Fall 2021 Document Word  
Budget & Finance CAS Operating Budget Projections: Template Document XLS  
Budget & Finance CAS Operating Budget Projections:  Instructions Document Word  
Budget & Finance CAS Start Up Funds Guidelines Document PDF  
Budget & Finance CAS Budget Transfer Request Form Form XLS  
Budget & Finance CAS Commitment Preapproval Form Form XLS  
Budget & Finance CAS Commitment Reimbursement Form Form XLS  
Budget & Finance CAS Payroll Action Request Form (PARF) Form PDF  
Budget & Finance CAS Payroll Action Request Form (PARF) EXAMPLES Document PDF  
Budget & Finance CAS Policy on Indirect Costs Document  PDF  
Budget & Finance Cost Transfer Justification Form Link    
Human Resources 2024 Summer Comp Deadlines and Actions Document  PDF summer, hr
Human Resources 2024 Summer ECOM and INST Overview Document  PDF summer, hr
Human Resources 2024 Summer Instruction Compensation Guide Document  PDF summer, hr
Human Resources CAS HR Summer 2024 Presentation Slides Document  PDF summer, hr
Human Resources CAS Summer 2024 Instructional Hiring and Compensation Memo - UPDATE Document  PDF summer, hr
Human Resources CAS EPMS Process and Review Guide Document PDF guidelines, employee performance management system, hr
Human Resources EPMS Step by Step Guidelines Document PDF employee performance management system, hr
Human Resources Performance Characteristics for EPMS Document PDF employee performance management system, hr
Academic Administration Quality Enhancement Plan Presentation (November 2019 Chairs & Directors Meeting) Document PDF qep, chairs and directors, meeting materials
Academic Administration Graduate Assistantship Offer Letter Template (February 2020) Document DOCX ga, gia, gta, gra, graduate student, human resources, hire, hires
Programs and Initiatives Bilinski Fellowship: Application Cover Sheet Document PDF graduate, fellow, bilinski
Programs and Initiatives Bilinski Fellowship: Administrative Guidelines (2024-25) Document PDF graduate, fellow, bilinski
Programs and Initiatives Bilinski Fellowship: Financial Disclosure Form Document PDF graduate, fellow, bilinski
Programs and Initiatives Bilinski Fellowship: Fellow's Agreement on Use of Fellowship Funds (2024-25) Document PDF graduate, fellow, bilinski
Programs and Initiatives Bilinski Fellowship:  Merit and Financial Need Assessment Tool (Appendix B) Document PDF graduate, fellow, bilinski
Programs and Initiatives CAS Online Program Development Checklist Planning Worksheet Document Word graduate, fellow
Programs and Initiatives CAS Online Program Development CFP Budget Worksheet Document Word graduate, fellow
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Faculty Salary Savings (Revised April 2024) Document PDF research, grant, course buyout, buyouts
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Faculty Course Buyouts Document PDF research, grant, course release, salary savings, buyout
Human Resources Instructor of Record Alternate Credential Form Document PDF SACS, transcript
Academic Administration Blueprint Planning: Faculty Awards Template Document XLS strategic
Human Resources CAS Bonus Request Form Document PDF payroll budget
Human Resources

Academic Affiliate Appointment Process

Document PDF Affiliate Appointments
Human Resources

Non-Academic Affiliate Appointment Process [pdf]

Document PDF Affiliate Appointments
Human Resources CAS HR: Affiliate Offer Letter Template Document DOC Affiliate Appointments
Human Resources CAS HR: Staff Internal Dual Appointment Letter Template Document Word Internal Dual Appointments
Human Resources CAS HR: Faculty Internal Dual Appointment Letter Template Document Word Internal Dual Appointments
Human Resources Internal Dual Appointment Request Form  Form PDF Internal Dual Appointments
Human Resources HCM Dual Hire Workflow/Policy Reminder Document PDF Internal Dual Appointments
Human Resources Internal Dual Hiring Guide Document PDF Internal Dual Appointments
Human Resources Division of HR Student Hire Website Link   graduate, hires
Human Resources Division of HR Student Hire Letter Template (New Hire/Appointment) Document Word ga, gia, gta, gra, graduate student, appointment, human resources, hire, hires
Human Resources Division of HR Student Hire Letter Template (Re-hire/Re-appointment) Document Word ga, gia, gta, gra, graduate student, appointment, human resources, hire, hires
Human Resources CAS Professional Track (Non-tenure-track) Faculty - Unit Promotion Ballot Form Document Word ntt, non-tenure-track
Human Resources CAS Professional Track (Non-tenure-track) Faculty - Promotion Vote Summary Form Document Word ntt, non-tenure-track
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Appointment, Review and Promotion of Professional Track (Non-tenure-track/FTE) Faculty (Sept 2024) Document PDF ntt
Human Resources CAS Professional Track (Non-tenure-track) Faculty - Promotion Review Schedule Spring 2025 Document PDF ntt, Tenure, Promotion
Human Resources CAS HR Paperwork Deadline Chart 2024 Document PDF hr
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Faculty Workload and Course Enrollment Management (March 2024) Document PDF  
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Chair and Director Searches - Unit Ballot Template Document Word searches, voting, vote, virtual, ballot
Academic Administration CAS Policy: Chair and Director Searches - Virtual Voting Procedures Document PDF searches, voting, vote, virtual, ballot
Academic Administration Microsoft Word Password Protection Instructions Document PDF searches, voting, vote, virtual, ballot
Budget & Finance CAS Enterprise Rent-A-Car Partnership Agreement Flyer Document PDF rental, vehicle, fleet
Academic Administration Dean's Office Contacts (HR, Budget and Grants) (Updated 4/24) Document PDF  
Academic Administration CAS Policy:  Faculty Course Banking (October 2021) Document PDF  
Academic Administration CAS Policy: College Scholastic Standards and Petitions Committee Document PDF  
Academic Administration CAS Unit-Level Strategic Hiring Plan Spreadsheet Template (Spring 2022) Document XLS faculty
Human Resources USC HR: Summer Compensation Website Link   hr, summer
Human Resources HR 1.81 Policy Summer Compensation for Faculty [pdf] Document PDF hr
Human Resources CAS TFAC New Hire Offer Template – EXAMPLE ONLY Link Word hr
Human Resources CAS TFAC Re-Hire Offer Template – EXAMPLE ONLY Link Word hr
Academic Administration CAS Office of the Dean Organizational Chart (August 2024) Link PDF  
Academic Administration CAS Policy:  Faculty Pre-Tenure Teaching Release NEW (August 2022) Link PDF third year review, tenure progress review, course release
Budget & Finance CAS Policy: Cost Overruns On External Grant Fund Accounts Document PDF  
Budget & Finance CAS Internal Budget and Budget Justification Example Document PDF  
Budget & Finance CAS Internal Budget Template 2024-2025 Document XLS  
Human Resources Human Resources and Faculty Affairs Planning Calendar Document PDF hr


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