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Department of English Language and Literature


Brian Glavey

Title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Department: English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-576-5535
Office: HOB 306
Resources: English Language and Literature


PhD, University of Virginia, 2007


    Twentieth-century American literature
    Modernism and the avant-garde
    Contemporary Poetry
    Gender studies and queer theory


ENGL 287    American Literature
ENGL 385    Modernism
ENGL 388    History of Theory and Criticism
ENGL 840   Queer Theory and Affect
ENGL 841   The Social Life of Post-War American Poetry
SCHC 350K  The Avant-Garde

Research Projects 

I am currently at work on a book on postwar and contemporary American poetry entitled "The Poetics of Oversharing.”

Selected Publications 

  glavey book cover
 The Wallflower Avant-Garde: Modernism, Sexuality, and Queer Ekphrasis (Oxford 2016)

     • “Lyric Impotence, or the Here and Now of Queer Potentiality,” New Literary History (forthcoming 2020)
     • “Having a Coke with You is Even More Fun than Ideology Critique, PMLA 134.5 (October 2019).
     • “Friending Joe Brainard,” Criticism 60.3 (2018).
     • “The Friendly Way: Crafting Community in Joe Brainard’s Poetry,” in The Art of Joe Brainard, edited by Yasmine Shamma (Edinburgh University Press, 2019).
     • “The Turing Test and Other Love Songs,” in The Year’s Work in Nerds, Wonks, and Neocons, edited by Jonathan P. Eburne and Benjamin Schreier (Indiana University Press, 2017).
     • “Modernity and Other Nocturnal Distempers,” Modernism/Modernity Print Plus (October 2016):
     • "Dazzling Estrangement: Modernism, Queer Ekphrasis and the Spatial Form of Nightwood." PMLA 124.3 (May 2009).
     • "Frank O'Hara Nude with Boots: Queer Ekphrasis and the Statuesque Poet." American Literature 79.4 (2007): 781-806.

     • “Beside Reparative Reading,” review of Queer Experimental Literature: by Tyler Bradway Postmodern Culture (January 2019).
     • “Poetry and the Attention Economy,” review of Attention Equal Life: The Pursuit of the Everyday in Contemporary Poetry and Culture by Andrew Epstein, Contemporary Literature 58.3 (2017).
     • Review of Celibacies: American Modernism and Sexual Life by Benjamin Kahan, Modern Philology 115.2 (2017).
     • “Leo Bersani and the Universe,” Criticism 52.2 (2010).
     • "Reading Late Ashbery." Criticism 50.3 (Summer 2009). 

Recent Presentations 

      “All Happy Families: Generic Attachments and Normativity in Maggie Nelson and Eve Sedgwick,” Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present Conference. Oakland, CA. October 2017.
      “Frank O’Hara and the Politics of Relatability,” American Literature Association Conference. San Franciso, CA. May 2016.
      “On Battiness and Being Just: Reading Late Late Ashbery.” Aging Modernisms. Indiana University. March 2016.
      “Having a Coke with You is Even More Fun than Ideology Critique.”  Modernist Studies Association Panel. November 2015.
      “Stephanie Barber’s Pop Poetics.” Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present Conference. October 2015.
      “Ambient Ekphrasis.” The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900. Louisville, KY. February 27, 2015.
      “Sexless Misgiving.” Modernist Studies Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. November 8, 2014.
      “Making Nice.” Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present Conference. Detroit, MI. October 3-6, 2013.


      “Both Attaching to Texts and Inventing Them: Andy Fitch Talking to Brian Glavey,”

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
