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University 101 Programs

University 101 Scholarship Nomination

The University 101 Scholarship recognizes and rewards undergraduate students who have unmet financial need and who have made major contributions to the learning environment and community within the University 101 classroom and who have incorporated the course’s ideals and values into their academic and co-curricular experiences outside the classroom.

To be considered for the scholarship, students must have a minimum overall 3.5 GPA, be currently enrolled full-time at USC, and submit a complete scholarship application.

Recipients will be awarded a $500 scholarship to be distributed evenly to University of South Carolina tuition and fee payment over the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters ($250.00 applied to each semester). Out-of-state recipients may also receive reduced tuition rates for the 2023-24 academic year.

Letter of Recommendation Guidelines
If you are receiving this letter of recommendation request, your University 101 student is a U101 Scholarship finalist. Please submit your letter of recommendation through this form. Letters of recommendation should address the impact your student had on the learning environment and community within your classroom. 

We ask that you please submit any letters of recommendation by Monday, February 26th, 2024.

Nominator Information

Nominee Information

Full Name: *

During which semester was this student enrolled in your University 101 class? *

Please attach a supporting letter of nomination describing this student's contribution to the learning environment and community within your University 101 classroom. Please discuss the impact this student had on the overall success of your class, and provide examples of this student's contributions. Letters should be at least one page in length, typed, and describe in detail your reasons for nominating the student. Please note: the selection committee will give equal consideration to the nomination letter and the student's completed application and personal statement.

Letter of Recommendation: *

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
