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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Professor with 2 students in classroom

Past Grant Award Recipients

Click on the "+" sign next to each grant to see the award recipients.


2024 - 2025

Denise S. Davis, Integrated Information Technology

Course: ITEC 570 Database Management and Administration
Title:  Adapting an advanced database management course into a modular asynchronous course modality using Oracle Academy Cloud Program
Deliverables:  Library of instructional videos and lab activities for teaching advanced database topics, framework for facilitating active learning group activities for advanced database topics adaptable to different datasets.

Grant Foster, Biological Sciences

Course:  BIOL 570L Principles of Ecology Laboratory
Title:  Developing a holistic understanding of anthropogenically driven climate change using local climate and ecosystem datasets
Deliverables:  Learning module containing student materials, detailed assessment rubrics, code and climate data necessary for analysis, and in-depth implementation guides for instructors.  

Silvio Gonzales, Media Arts

Course:  MART 110 Media Culture, MART 201 Foundations of Media Arts Production, MART 210 Digital Media Arts Fundamentals
Title:  Creation of career-development module for use in entry-level Media Arts courses
Deliverables:  Introductory module for guiding entry-level Media Arts majors through building a resume, portfolio, and cover letter, assessing portfolio and job application material quality, and finding internships.

Elizaveta Korunova, Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences

Course: BIOL 541L / CHEM 550L Biochemistry Laboratory
Title:  Teamwork in Molecular Design: Incorporating the Benchling industry-scale collaborative platform into the undergraduate experimental science laboratory
Deliverables: Course content module including detailed protocol outlining the steps for using Benchling and corresponding rubrics

Ibitein Okeafor, Health Services Policy & Management

Course:  HSPM 412 Health Economics
Title:  Integration of Digital Badges and Goal-Tracking in Enhancing Engagement and Timeliness in Asynchronous Learning
Deliverables:  Comprehensive digital badging system and a goal-tracking tool with detailed implementation guidelines and resources

Hannah Sedlacek, Criminology & Criminal Justice

Course:  CRJU 202 Research Methods in Criminology & Criminal Justice
Title: Incorporating data analysis and statistical methods via an experiential learning module in a social science research methods course
Deliverables:  Module including instructor resources for implementation in classroom and using JAMOVI software, sample survey and dataset, and sample assignment.

Matt Childs, Associate Professor, History, College of Arts and Sciences, Conquest, Colonization, and Captivity: A Cultural History of the Americas from 1441 to 1888 (HIST 110) 

Florencia Cornet, Instructor, TRIO Programs, Traveling Garifuna Lands: Language, Folklore, Food, and Music (LASP 398) 

Renée Ittner-McManus, Instructor, Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications, Capturing Truth: Exploring the Power and Impact of Photojournalism on Society (JOUR 499) 

Kimberly Pavlik, Adjunct Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences, Hate Crimes (CRJU 425) 

Brett Robertson, Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications, Mass Communications Research (JOUR 332) 

Loren Tharp, Adjunct Instructor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, Survey of Developmental Psychology (PSYC 420) 

2023 - 2024

Rochelle Altman and Camryn Garrett, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior

Title/Purpose:  Integrating Intersectionality Frameworks into the Classroom: A Toolkit for Instructors
Deliverables:   (in partnership with OAO) Resources, assessments, rubrics, guidance on intersectionality frameworks

Michelle Harris, Geography

Course:  GEOG 105 – The Digital Earth
Title:  Using StoryMap to build experiential learning, inclusivity, and exploration of identity into a course project
Deliverables:  Modules for StoryMap development and skill building, rubric

Sewon Oh, Psychology

Course:  PSYC 221 – Research Methods in Psychology
Title:  Using Topic-a-Day Digest, Triple Shuffle, and Tiny Chat techniques to promote daily writing habits, student engagement and peer interaction
Deliverables:  Model assessments available for any scientific writing training course

Sowmya Raghu, Mechanical Engineering

Course:  ENCP 101 – Introduction to Engineering
Title:  Incorporating experiential learning Makerspace modules into an introductory engineering course
Deliverables:  Makerspace modules with lesson plan, instructional videos, training handouts, assessments, and other resources adaptable across engineering courses.

Terrence Sheppard, Integrated Information Technology

Course:  ITEC 560 – Project Management Methods
Title/Purpose:  Course redesign with new textbook mapping to ABET outcomes requirements, incorporating active learning design and simulation tools
Deliverables:  Model of course redesign and activities transferable to other engineering courses

Dwayne Alleyne, Clinical Assistant Professor, Advanced Professional Nursing Practice and Leadership, College of Nursing   
Pharmacologic Management of Pediatric, Adult, and Gerontological Patients across the Healthcare Delivery Continuum (NURS 702)

Ahmed Alshareef, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing    
Injury Biomechanics (BMEN 589)

James Bird, Instructor, Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences
Advanced Machine Learning (STAT 531)

Patrick Brissey, Instructor, Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences
Communicating Moral Issues (PHIL 213)

Thomas Brown, Professor, History, College of Arts and Sciences
US History to 1865 (HIST 111)

Renee Chosed, Clinical Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine-Greenville
Pre-clerkship Curriculum at SOMG (IPM course)

Tena Crews, Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Computer Applications in Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management (SPTE 274)

Scott Decker, Professor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Cyberpsychology (PSYC 589)

Gina Ercolini, Associate Professor and Director of Speech Communication and Rhetoric, English, College of Arts and Sciences    
Speechwriting (SPCH 464), Special Topics: Speechwriting (ENGL 463)

Shana Harrington, Clinical Professor, Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health
Evidence Based Practice in Physical Therapy (PHYT 788)

Scott Keith, Instructor, Theatre and Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
Laboratory Theatre Production (THEA 120)

Eilea Knotts, Instructor/Lab Coordinator, Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
General Principles of Biology II Laboratory (BIOL102L)

Tim Lutz, Clinical Assistant Professor, Management Science, Darla Moore School of Business
Operations Management (MGSC 395)

Sung Hee "Sunny" Park, Clinical Associate Professor, Management Science, Darla Moore School of Business    
Data Analytics for Business (MGSC 394)

Kirsten Porter-Stransky, Clinical Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine-Greenville
Brain and Behavior (GMED G661)

Yingxiao Qian, Clinical Assistant Professor, Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry, College of Education
Design & Evaluation of Games and Simulations (EDET 652)

Erin Roberts, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Myth, Meals, & Power (RELG 123)

Armen Shaomian, Associate Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Performing Arts Management and Leadership (SPTE 560)

Olivia Waldrop, Senior Instructor, Theatre and Dance, College of Arts and Sciences  
Ballet II Technique (DANC 202A)

Cuizhen (Susan) Wang, Professor, Geography, College of Arts and Sciences
Internship in Geography (GEOG 595)

Dawn Campbell, Senior Instructor, Women’s and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, Feminist Theory (WGST 307/POLI 307) 

Julian Dalzell, Senior Lecturer, Management, Darla Moore School of Business, HR in the Global Firm (MGMT 406) 

Andy Gillentine, Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management, Ethics in Sport and Entertainment Business (SPTE 385) 

Oz Ince, Clinical Associate Professor, Darla Moore School of Business, Introduction to Finance (FINA 363) 

2022 - 2023

Olivia Darr, Health Services Policy & Management / Social Work

Course:  HSPM 412 – Health Economics
Title:  Incorporating PeerWise into Course Assignments 
Deliverables:  PeerWise user guide, assignment guidelines with example questions, assessment rubric

Shea Ferguson, Educational Psychology & Research

Course:  EDRM 423 – Introduction to Classroom Assessment
Title/Purpose: Course revision and realignment of required pre-service teacher course
Deliverables:  Creation of a CTE workshop on “Developing Final Projects in alignment with your course goals”

Camryn Garrett and Rochelle Altman, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior

Title/Purpose:  Development of Mandatory Reporting Requirement Trainings for Graduate Teaching Assistants
Deliverables:  Set of guiding documents, recorded webinars, training sessions as approved by the Office of Access and Opportunity and Title IX

Chichi Tsai, Languages, Literatures and Cultures / Chinese

Course:  CHIN 322 – Advanced Intermediate Chinese
Title:  Developing a package of listening-focused online modules to improve students’ Chinese listening skills
Deliverables:  Blackboard created structure of online modules/package, user guidelines for assignment management, transferable to other Chinese courses

Joanna Appel, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology, & Neuroscience, School of Medicine-Columbia        
Physiology for Health Sciences (PHPH 701)

Rachel Bush, Assistant Professor, Professional Nursing Practice, College of Nursing      
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing  (NURS 411)

Wout De Backer, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering & Computing
Space Mission Design & Technology (EMCH 561)

Sabrina Habib, Associate Professor, Visual Communications, School of Jouornalism and Communications, College of Information and Communications
Principles of User Experience and Design (JOUR 249)

Woody Holton, Professor, History, College of Arts and Sciences, S.C. Honors College
Era of the American Revolution (SCHC 421 & HIST 435)

Alison Huppmann, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences , School of Medicine-Greenville       
Pulmonary (GMED)

Deena Isom, Associate Professor, African American Studies and Criminology & Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences    
Miscarriages of Justice (AFAM 397/CRJU 591)

Junsoo Lee, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing
Controls (EMCH 367)

Jin Liu, Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Studies, College of Education    
Design and Analysis of Educational Surveys (EDRM 724)

Tara Mortensen, Associate Professor, Visual Communications, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications   
Special Topics in Mass Communications (JOUR 215)

Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana, Assistant Professor, Retailing, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Global Sourcing in Retail and Fashion (RETL 385)

Susan Rathbun-Grubb, Associate Professor, School of Information Science, College of Information and Communications  
Seminar in Technical Services (ISCI 738)

Charles Schumpert, Senior Instructor,  Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences  
Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory (BIOL 302L)

Margaret Selph, Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Nursing   
Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning (NURS 704)

Nikki Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
Introduction to Nursing as a Profession (NURS 112)

Rebecca Stern, Associate Professor, English, College of Arts and Sciences/Honors College
Playing in the Archives (SCHC 452)

Mary Styslinger, Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education 
The Teaching of Literature in the Secondary School (EDSE 786)

Hengtao Tang, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies, College of Education   
Design and Evaluation of Games and Simulations (EDET 652)

Loren Tharp, Instructor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences  
Lifespan Development (PSYC 420)

Michael Wilkinson, Assistant Professor, School of Music
Applied Trombone (MUSC 211H)

Kelly Wolf, Instructor, Film and Media Studies, College of Arts and Sciences  
Critical Animal Media Studies (FAMS 511)

Kate Bernheisel, Assistant Professor, Joan Creed, Clinical Associate Professor, Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership, College of Nursing   
Population Health Nursing (NURS 730)

Herrick Brown, Curator-A. C. Moore Herbarium, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences 
Spring Flora (BIOL 527)

Lisa Johnson Norris, Research Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Arnold School of Public Health    
Neuroanatomical Bases of Language (COMD 744)

2021 - 2022

Joanna Appel,  Medical Educator, Pharmacology, Physiology, & Neuroscience, School of Medicine-Columbia   
Fundamental Neuroscience I (PHPH 750)

Gale Ashmore, Instructor, Languages, Literature and Culture, College of Arts and Sciences
Beginning Spanish I (SPAN 109), Beginning Spanish II (SPAN 110), Basic Proficiency in Spanish (SPAN 122) 

Lydia Brandt, Professor, School of Visual Art and Design, College of Arts and Sciences   
History of Modern Architecture (ARTH 337)

Francis Burns,  Assistant Professor, Chemistry, USC Salkehatchie 
Chemistry and Modern Society II (CHEM 106)

David Dangerfield, History, USC Salkehatchie 
The History of South Carolina, 1670-1865 (HIST 409)

Sarah Edmunds, Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences 
Selected Topics in Psychology (PSYC 589)  

Gina Ercolini, Associate Professor, English Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences       
Women's Rhetoric (SPCH 485)

Jabari Evans, Assistant Professor,  Race and Media, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications   
Hip-Hop, Media and Society (JOUR 309)

Suzy Hardie, Clinical Associate Professor,  Educational Leadership and Policies, College of Education 
Legal Basis of Educational Organization and Administration (EDLP 707A)

Kristen Hogan, Instructional Faculty,  Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences 
Infectious Diseases, Human Health, and Ethics (BIOL 202)  

Rebecca Janzen, Professor, Spanish & Comparative Literature, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, College of Arts and Sciences      
Law and Literature in Mexico ( SPAN 373)

Christine Lotter, Professor, Instruction & Teacher Education, College of Education 
Teaching Middle and High School (Science) (EDSE 553)

Valerie PruettSenior Instructor,  Theatre and Dance, Theatre, College of Arts and Sciences 
Production Design for Theatre (THEA 380)

Mandrallius Robinson, Instructor,  School of Journalism and Mass Communications/Sports Media, College of Information and Communications
Sports Activism and Media (JOUR 243)   

Katherine Ryker, Associate Professor, School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences 
Marine Biology (GEOL 304)  

Jeffrey SavageClinical Assistant Professor,  Management, Darla Moore School of Business
Strategic Management (MGMT 478)

Armen Shaomian, Associate Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Special Topics in Live Entertainment and Sport (SPTE 590)

Hengtao Tang, Associate Professor,  Educational Studies, College of Education 
Applications of Learning Principles (EDET 709)

Yang Wang, Associate Professor, Language and Literacy, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education 
Literacy Education (EDRD 800)

Madalyn Wasilczuk, Assistant Professor,  Law, Joseph F. Rice School of Law  
Criminal Practice Clinic (LAWS 757)

Parrish WrightAssistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (Classics Program), College of Arts and Sciences 
Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient World and Modern Impacts (CLAS 335)

Chaz Evans, Assistant Professor, School of Visual Art and Design, College of Arts and Sciences
New Media Documentary (MART 590)

Byeongwon Ha, Assistant Professor, School of Visual Art and Design, College of Arts and Sciences
New Media Advanced: Sound Art (MART581)

Charles Schumpert, Instructor, Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
Cellular and Molecular Biology Lab (BIOL 302L)

Elizabeth Breitbach, Adjunct Professor, Economics, Darla Moore School of Business
Introduction to Economics (ECON 224)

Jessica Chavis, Senior Instructor, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Club Management (HRTM 285)

Kent Germany, Professor, History, College of Arts and Sciences, 
History of America, 1865 to the Present (HIST 112)

John Grady, Carolina Trustees, Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Sport and the Law (SPTE 320)

Reenea Harrison, Instructor, Retailing, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
HRSM Professional Communications (RETL 242)

Lady Imperio, Instructor, Music, School of Music
Secondary Applied Music (MUSC 101)

Jacqueline Keisler, Instructor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of
Information and Communications
Principles of Public Relations (JOUR 201)

William Knapp, Instructor, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Personnel Organization and Supervision (HRTM 344)

Michael Moody, Instructor, Retailing, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Principles of Retailing (RETL 265)

Nadia Nunez-Magula, Instructor, English Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences
Online Public Communication (SPCH 145)

Armen Shaomian, Associate Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Introduction to Live Entertainment Management (SPTE 202)

Lauren Sklaroff-Lamey, Professor, History, College of Arts and Sciences
History of America, 1865 to the Present (HIST 112)

Scott Smith, Associate Professor, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (HRTM 110)

2020 - 2021

Elizabeth Churchya, Piano Performance, School of Music

Course:  MUSC 113 – Introduction to Film Music
Title/Purpose:  Course delivery change from in-person to asynchronous online
Deliverables:  Course format/structure, sequence, assignments and assessments reusable for both in-person and online future course sections

Lesley Joseph, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Course:  ECIV 307 – Professional Development for Civil/Environmental Engineers
Title/Purpose:  New course development
Deliverables:  New course on career development for civil engineering, applicable to other engineering fields

Annie Klyce, Geological Sciences

Course:  GEOL 101 – Introduction to the Earth
Title:  Development of online training modules for improving student spatial skills
Deliverables:  Modules, assessments implementable into other courses that involve spatial reasoning

Nik Lampe, Sociology / Women’s and Gender Studies

Course:  WGST 300/SOCY 301 – Sex and Gender
Title:  Increasing student engagement and content retention using TikTok
Deliverables:  Step-by-step resource guide for instructors to incorporate use of the TikTok app in their own courses

Dan Luo, Comparative Literature, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Course:  CHIN 321: Advanced Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I
Title:  Chinese Culture-based Online Modules for L2 Learners with Interdisciplinary Approaches   
Deliverables:  Theme-content-value modules and resource packages that are tailorable to any Chinese course  

Gareth Rees-White, Composition and Rhetoric, English Language and Literature

Course:  102 – Rhetoric and Composition
Title/Purpose:  Converting ENGL 102 from a fully online course into a hybrid model
Deliverables:  Blackboard hybrid course structure and syllabus usable by other disciplines

Shaoshuang Wen, Political Science

Course:  POLI 433 – Economic Aspects of International Politics
Title:  The Bookdown project – developing an integrative website of learning resources
Deliverables:  Structure/model of a Bookdown website and instructor recommendations

Amber Wilson and Phillip Berry, Criminology and Criminal Justice

Course:  CRJU 312 – Corrections
Title:  Using the Game of Life as the basis for developing interactive online modules
Deliverables:  Interactive gameplay module structure based on real-life scenarios

Cheng Xiao, Linguistics, and Dan Luo, Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Course:  CHIN 121 – Elementary Mandarin Chinese
Title: Prosodic-Enhanced Module for Beginner Level Chinese Learners with the Flipped Classroom Approach   
Deliverables:  Expandable to all levels of Chinese classes and broadly generalizable to other language courses

2019 - 2020

Salandra Bowman, Instructor , African American Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

Dawn Campbell, Senior Instructor, Women's and Gender Studies , College of Arts and Sciences

Edena Guimaraes, Clinical Associate Professor, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Margaret l. Hughes, Instructor, Arts and Letters, USC Sumter

Lucy Ingram, Associate Professor, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

Adonis Jeralds, Senior Clinical Instructor (Retired), Sport & Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Marketa Kubickov, Associate Professor, School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Xiaoming  Li, Professor and SmartState Endowed Chair for Clinical Translational Research, Health Services Policy Management, Arnold School of Public Health

Jingjing Liu, S.L.I.S., College of Information and Communications

Christie L. Martin, Associate Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education

Jared D. Mummaw, History, USC Union

Holly Overton, Assistant Professor, Journalism, College of Information and Communications

Thomas Jerry Reeves, Instructor, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences Columbia

Jacob River, Director for the USC-Columbia Office of Veterans Services, English, USC Union

Amanda Schlegel, Assistant Professor, Instrumental Music Education, School of Music

Chad  Ulmer, Management/Marketing, USC Union/Laurens

Chuhan "Renee" Wang, Instructor, School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Douglas Q. Adams, Francie Cashman & Justin Roberts-Pierel, Physics and Astronomy

Title/Purpose:  Leveraging Python Programming for STEM Research
Deliverables:  Development of a Python mini-course to be accessible by STEM students and faculty

Zackery Butler, Sociology

Course:  SOCY 315 – Global Population Issues
Title:  Using the Jigsaw active learning technique for encouraging cooperative learning both in person and online
Deliverables:  Instructions for incorporating Jigsaw for small or large projects, generalized version flexible to be used in other disciplines

Elizabeth Churchya, School of Music

Course:  MUSC 110 – Introduction to Music
Title/Purpose:  Course delivery change from in-person to asynchronous online
Deliverables:  Course format/structure, sequence, assignments and assessments reusable for both in-person and online future course sections

Xiao Huang, Geography

Course:  GEOG 105 – The Digital Earth
Title:  Instituting a new workflow in a laboratory class with hands-on lab experiences and data collection activities using ArcGIS
Deliverables:  Model for revamping projects and data collection activities in lecture-heavy courses

Anne Shelley Hucks, Biological Sciences

Course:  BIOL 302L – Cell and Molecular Biology
Title:  Implementing the Western Blot technique across Biology labs as a teaching tool
Deliverables:  Protocol for implementing the Western Blot technique into any biology/genetics lab

Robin James, Mechanical Engineering

Course:  EMCH 362 – Mechanical Engineering Lab II
Title:  Flipping the Laboratory Class using VR Experiments
Deliverables:  Model for lab class design transferable to other related courses and engineering departments

Christopher Krause, Geography

Course:  GEOG 103 – Introduction to Geography
Title:  Incorporating debate into a large lecture Geography course
Deliverables:  Debate assessment design strategy, rubrics, topics and readings

Brendan Mooney and Daria Smirnova, Comparative Literature, Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Course:  RUSS 319L – 19th-Century Russian Literature
Title:  Integrating phonetics notations into Russian texts and assessments to facilitate better content accessibility
Deliverables:  Assessments, annotated texts usable by other Russian classes, format/model for integrating phonetics annotation into language course texts

Clint Saidy, Mechanical Engineering

Course:  EMCH 380 – Project Management for Engineers
Title:  Implementing a case-study based assessment series for project management courses
Deliverables:  Case study scenarios, assessments, project design available to any project management course

Inne Singgih and Zhiyu Wang, Mathematics

Course:  Math 170 – Finite Mathematics
Title:  Engaging Mathematics students by incorporating interactive game theory and computer simulations  
Deliverables:  Resources, simulations, assessments transferable to statistics, economics, and other mathematics-based courses

Dirk Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor. McNair Institute for Entrepreneurism and Free Enterprise, Office of the Provost
Interdisciplinary Special Topics in the Liberal Arts: Social Sciences (COLA 298)

Wanda Chaves, Clinical Associate Professor, Management, Darla Moore School of Business    
International Human Resource (MGMT 406)

Clayton Copeland, Instructor, Information Science, College of Information and Communications         
Introduction to Library and Information Studies (SLIS 701)

Peter Duffy, Professor, Theatre and Dance, College of Arts & Sciences
Applied Theatre (THEA 527)

Suzanne Hardie, Clinical Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policies, College of Education         
School Building Planning (EDLP 758)

Jungmi Jun, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications  
International Public Relations (JOUR 499)

Hyunji Kwon, Associate Professor, Art Education, College of Arts & Sciences        
Introduction to Art (ARTE 101)

Dexin Shi, Associate Professor, Psychology, College of Arts & Sciences
Psychological Statistics (PSYC 227)

Hengtao Tang, Associate Professor, Educational Studies, College of Education        
Evaluation of Educational Technology Research (EDET 825)

Qiana Whitted, Professor, African American Studies Program, College of Arts & Sciences         
Race, Gender, and Graphic Novels (AFAM 515)

Nicole Cook, Augusta Baker Endowed Chair and Associate, Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Science, College of Information and Communications

Course Title: Critical Cultural Information Studies (SLIS 797)
Project Summary: Podcasting for equity, diversity, and inclusion will give students experience with question development, interviewing, public speaking, and presentation skills, and will enable them to develop narrative development skills. The assignments in three classes will build upon class activities and lectures, and students will engage in collaborative peer work to accomplish these tasks. Students will also find and analyze existing interviews and podcasts in an effort to identify various styles, approaches, and best practices.

David Moscowitz, Instructor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications

Course Title: Cultural Media Analysis
Project Summary: This new course at the upper undergraduate level will directs more attention to issues of culture and diversity in media. In particular, the course studies the relationship among culture, media, public discourse, and social critique with a more holistic approach to media form. This course applies problem-based learning (PBL), which demands that students tackle an open-ended problem by applying course material and creativity to explore ways to mitigate or solve that problem.

2018 - 2019

Salandra Bowman, Instructor, African American Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
AFAM 201: Introduction to African American Studies

Dawn Campbell, Instructor, Women's and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
WGST 112: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies

Sherry Grosso, Instructor of Economics, Division of Business Administration and Economics, UofSC Sumter
MGSC 290: Computer Information Systems in Business and ECON 222 Principles of Macroeconomics

Marketa Kubickova, Assistant Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management,
College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
HRTM 110: Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

Jingling Liu, Assistant Professor, Library and Information Science, School of Library and Information Science
EDRM 801: Principles and Applications of Educational Research and EDRM 700 Introduction to Research in Education

Holly Overton, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications
JOUR 201; Principles of Public Relations

Amanda "Mandi" Schlegel, Assistant Professor, Instrumental Music Education, School of Music
MUSC 210: Understanding the Psychology of Music

Chuhan (Renee) Wang, Instructor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
HRTM 280: Foundations of Tourism

Hannah Huber, English Language and Literature

Course:  First-Year English (101: Critical Reading and Composition; 102: Rhetoric and Composition)
Title:  Implementing Peer Review Workshops in FYE
Deliverables:  Workshop presentation introducing peer review to students, associated instructor resources and how-to guide

Kathleen Jocoy, Psychology

Course:  PSYC 226 – Research Methods in Psychology
Title:  Using a lab-based approach to teaching students to write a research proposal
Deliverables:  Lesson plans/worksheets for incorporating an undergraduate research proposal assessment series into a course

Tara Martin, Criminology and Criminal Justice

Course:  CRJU 430 – Communities and Crime
Title:  Building writing and researching skills through formative assessments
Deliverables:  Resource packet for performing effective library research, guiding student writing skills, and writing self-assessments.

Robert Vandermolen and Hays Whitlatch, Mathematics

Course:  MATH, 546 – Algebraic Structures 1
Title:  Speech-to-Text Analytic Resource (STAR)
Deliverables:  Program that provides customized and pre-programmed analytics (wait time, word cloud) from lectures.

Yaroslaw Bazaliy, Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences, Collaborator:  Timir Datta 
PHYS 201: General Physics I

 Naomi Falk, Assistant Professor, School of Visual Art and Design, College of Arts and Sciences 
ARTS 225: Intro to 3D Studies + 325/425/525 Int/Adv/Grad 3D Studies + 529: 3D Workshop 

Sharon Gumina, Instructor, Department of Integrated Information Technology, College of Engineering and Computing 
ITEC-245: Introduction to Networking 

Daniela Jankovska, Instructor, Department of Retailing, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sports Management 
RETL 365: Visual Merchandising and Store Design 

Jin Liu, Instructor, Educational Studies, College of Education 
EDRM 723: Classroom Assessment Methods 

Caitlin Mardis, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Outcomes Sciences, College of Pharmacy
PHMY 756: Clinical Immunology and Transplantation 

Krystal Werfel, Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Arnold School of Public Health
COMD 754-J50: Aural Rehabilitation of Children and Adults

Lori Ziolkowski, Assistant Professor, School of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences
MSCI 210: Oceans and Society

Dirk Brown, Assistant Clinical Professor, McNair Institute for Entrepreneurism and Free Enterprise, Office of the Provost, Multiple Courses
Collaborators:  Patti Fabel, Dean Kress, Joel Stevenson, Robert Fowler, Jonathan Fletcher, and Kristina Hooks

Christy Friend, Professor, Director of the Incubator for Teaching Innovation, College of Arts and Sciences
Outside-the-Box Event Design Challenge
Collaborator:  Nina Moreno, Associate Professor of Spanish, Assistant Director, Incubator for Innovative Teaching, College of Arts and Sciences

Sharon Gumina, Instructor, Integrated Information Technology, College of Engineering and Computing
Introduction to Networking (ITE 245)
Collaborators:  Anthony Dillon, Internship Director IIT and Anna House, Professor, School of Visual Art and Design

Dick Kawooya, Interim SLIS Director, Associate Professor, College of Information and Communications
CIC USCreativity Design Challenge
Collaborators:  Andrea Tanner & John D'Ignazio, School of Library and Information Science

Gina Kunz, Research Associate Professor, College of Education, Dean’s Office
Classroom Creativity Design Challenge
Collaborators:  Margo Jackson, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, College of Education and Ryan Inzana, Assistant Dean of Business Operations, Office of the Dean, College of Education

Sabrina Habib and Tara Mortensen, Assistant Professors, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, College of Information and Communications
Photovisual Communication III and JOUR 346: Graphics for Visual Communication (JOUR 448)

Katherine Ryker, Assistant Professor, School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences
Environment of the Earth (GEOL 103) and Intro to the Earth (GEOL 101)
Collaborator:  Wolfgang Ashley

Marius Valdes, Associate Professor, School of Visual Art and Design, College of Arts and Sciences
Senior Projects (ARTS 447)
Collaborator:  Coach Jaime Smith, USC Women’s Soccer Team

Gerald Brasington, Instructor, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
BIOL 244: Anatomy and Physiology II, Technology: 3D4Medical App with HoloLens Component

Tena B. Crews, Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Director of Distributed Learning, Office of Distributed Learning, Office of the Provost, RWTL 330: Asset Protection for Retailers and other courses, Technology: 360° Video Faculty Support

Stephen Criswell, Professor, Palmetto College, USC Lancaster,
ENGL 429: Studies in American Literature: Native American Oral Traditions, Technology: 360° Video

Robert Dawson, Clinical Assistant Professor, Neuropsychiatry In Behavioral Health/Rehabilitation Counseling, School of Medicine
RCON 700: Foundations of Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling and RCON 725: Career Theories and the World of Work, Technology: 360° Video, Augmented Reality

Lara Ducate, Professor and Lara Lomicka Anderson, Professor, Languages Literature and Culture, College of Arts and Sciences, FREN 209/210 and GERM 210/211, Technology: 360° Video

Kirk Fiedler, Associate Professor, Management Science, Moore School of Business,
MGSC 390: Business Information Systems, Technology: Augmented Reality, Immersive Virtual Reality

Miyoung Jeong, Professor and Sandy Strick, Associate Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, HRTM 364: Conference & Meeting Planning, Technology: 360° Video

Ann Blair Kennedy, Clinical Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences/Division of Behavioral, Social, and Population Health, School of Medicine Greenville, GMEDG 601:  Integrated Practice of Medicine, Technology: 360° Video, Augmented Reality, Immersive Virtual Reality

Brian Mihalik, William McFall "Mac" Pearce, Professor and Center Director, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, HRTM 280: Foundations of Tourism, Technology: 360° Video, VIRB Editing Software

Katherine Ryker, Assistant Professor, School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences, GEOL 103: Environment of the Earth, Technology: 360° Video

Amanda Schlegel, Assistant Professor of Music Education, Music Education, School of Music, MUED 200: Music Education Practicum and MUED 551: The Middle School Band, Technology: 360° Video

Raymond Torres, Professor, School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences, GEOL 315: Surface and Near Surface Processes, Technology: 360° Video, Augmented Reality, Immersive Virtual Reality

2017 - 2018

Daniel A. Brown, College of Pharmacy
Analysis and Applications of Project Management Software (ITEC 560)

Jean Ellis, Geography
Introduction to Physical Geography (GEOG 104)

Kurt Goblirsch, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Viking Mythology (GERM 290)

Catherine Gutshall, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neuroscience
Foundations of Nurse Anesthesia (ANES 700)

Barry Markovsky, Sociology
Sociology of the Paranormal (SOCY 330)

Gabrielle Peterson, Theatre and Dance
Understanding and Appreciation of Theatre (THEA 200) 

Eric P. Robinson, School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Law and Ethics of Mass Communications (JOUR 303)

Mark S. Rosenbaum, Retailing
Principles of Customer Service (RETL 362)

John Abdalla, Instructor of History, Extended University, Palmetto College
HIST 111: United States History to 1865 and HIST 112 United States History since 1865

Sanda Avinger, Instructor, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education, Palmetto College
EDEL 305: Nature and Management of Elementary Classrooms

Daniela Friedman, Professor and Department Chair, Co-Director, Office for the Study of Aging, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health
HPEB 711: Applied Health Communication

Tom Hughes, Senior Lecturer, School of Accounting, Darla Moore School of Business
ACCT 324: Commercial Law

Jin Liu, Instructor, Educational Psychology and Research, Educational Studies, College of Education
EDRM 801: Principles and Applications of Educational Research and EDRM 700 Introduction to Research in Education

Helene Maire-Afeli, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, USC Union
CHEM 105: Chemistry and Modern Society I and CHEM 107 Forensic Chemistry

Patti Marinelli, Senior Instructor, Spanish, Languages, Literature and Cultures
SPAN 109: Beginning Spanish I and SPAN 110 Beginning Spanish II

Robert Ogilvie, Professor Emeritus, Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences
BIOL 530: Histology

Yvette Sands, Curriculum And Instruction, College Of Education
SPTE Computer Applications in Sport and Entertainment Management

David Fuente, School of Earth, Ocean & Environment
Water and Sanitation in Global Perspective

Patrick Hickey, College of Nursing, Faculty Principal Capstone Scholars Program
International Healthcare: Service Learning in Nicaragua (U290)

Kathryn Luchok, Anthropology
Global Women's Health (ANTH 352)

Brooke W. McKeever, School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Communicating Science, Health and the Environment (JOUR 562)

James Thrasher, Department of Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
Certificate of Graduate Study in Global Health (CGSGH) Courses

Myriam E Torres, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health
Global USC in Costa Rica: Global Health (Several Courses)

Shemsi Alhaddad, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, USC Lancaster
Statistics and the Media (STAT 112)

Fatih Ari, Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Studies, College of Education
Applications of Learning Principles (EDET 709)

Saurabh Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Director, Environmental Health & Disease Laboratory, Environmental Health Sciences, Arnold School of Public Health
Concepts of Environmental Health Sciences (ENHS 660) 

Karen Edwards, Senior Instructor, Department of Retailing, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Asset Protection for Retailers (RETL 330)

Nicole Hair, Assistant Professor, Health Services Policy and Management, Arnold School of Public Health
Health Economics (HSPM 412)

Suzy Hardie, Instructor, Educational Leadership and Policies, College of Education
Educational Leadership and Policies (EDLP) in Certification for Elementary Principals and Certification for Secondary Principals

Deborah Hazzard, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Darla Moore School of Business
Diversity and Inclusion

Daniel Kiernan, Senior Instructor of Biology, Division of Science, Mathematics and Engineering, USC Sumter, Biology 110
Anwar Merchant, Professor, Director, Curriculum Development, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health
Concepts and Methods of Epidemiology (EPID 701)

Nina Morena, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (SPAN 515/ LING 504)

Kathy Quarles-Moore, Lab Instructor, Clinical Pharmacy and Outcomes Sciences, College of Pharmacy
Advanced Community Lab (PHMY 771)

Stephen Thompson, Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education
Elementary Science Instruction (EDEL 450)

Donna Watts, Instructor, Department of Retailing, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Fashion Through the Ages: 1800 A.D. to Present (RETL 116)

Stephanie Milling, Associate Chair and Undergraduate Director, Theatre and Dance, Interim Administrative Coordinator Dance Program and the Head of Dance Education
Integrative Learning in Dance as a Catalyst for Develop Emerging Leaders in the Field (Dance 470)  

Lesly Wade-Woolley, Associate Professor, Communications Sciences and  Disorders, Arnold School of Public Health and Suzanne M. Adlof, Assistant Professor, Communications Sciences and  Disorders, Arnold School of Public Health
School-Age Language and Literacy Development and Disorders (COMD 720/720J) and Advanced Study of Literacy for Speech-Language Pathologists (COMD 727/727J) 

2016 - 2017

Yaroslaw Bazaliy, Physics and Astronomy, Einstein’s Relativity: Understanding by Example (PHYS 3xx)

Andy Gillentine, Sport and Entertainment Management, Ethics in Sport and Entertainment Business (SPTE 385)

Deborah Hazzard-Robinson, Darla Moore School of Business, Principles of Management (MGMT 371)

Lara Lomicka-Anderson, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UNIV 401

Diane McGhee Valle, Theatre and Dance, DANC 101

Jacob Rivers, English Language and Literature, Special Topics in American Literature: Major American Writers (ENG 285)

Jennifer Vendemia, Psychology, Cognitive Psychology (Psych 405)

Yang Wang, College of Education, Reading Assessment (EDRD 716)

 David Tedeschi, Professor and Steven Rodney, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Introduction to Astronomy (ASRT 101)

Darin Freeburg, School of Library and Information Science, Knowledge Management for Library & Information Professionals (SLIS 41O, SUS 726)
Patrick Hickey, College of Nursing, Perioperative Environment: Basic Survival Skills (SCHC 392)
R. Mac Jones, English, Extended University, E-Portfolios for BLS and BOL Degree Programs- Palmetto College (PALM 493, PALM 494, UNIV 401)
Zhenlong Li, Department of Geography, Spatial Programming (GEOG 554)
Haylee Uecker Mercado, Department  of Sport and Entertainment Management, Sustainable Sport and Entertainment Facility Management (SPTE 590)
Damien Picarello, Political Science and Anna Oswald-Hensley, Registrar's Office, USC Sumter, Graduation with Leadership Distinction (UNIV 401)
Charles Pierce, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Introduction to Civil Engineering (ECIV 201) and Computational Methods for Civil Engineering (ECIV 101)
Susan Rathbun-Grubb, School of Library and Information Science, Metadata (SLIS 735) and Indexing and Abstracting  (SUS 732)
Armen Shaomian, Department of Sport and Entertainment Management, The Business of Broadway (SPTE 590)
David Weintraub, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Freelancing for Creative Professionals (JOUR 499-001)

Mark Cooper, Film and Media History, (FAMS 300)
Kathryn “Kay” Edwards, European History from Ancient Times to Mid-Seventeenth Century (HIST 101)
Mark Minett, Introduction to Film and Media Studies, (FAMS 240)
Carla Pfeffer, Sex and Gender (SOCY 301)

Alicia W. Walker, School of Music, Music Education and Service-Learning in South Africa (MUSC 399/599)
John Grady, Sport and Entertainment Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, Exchange Partnership with the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) in Madrid, Spain


Shelley A.J. Jones, English, Extended University, South Carolina Studies, South Carolina Studies (PALM 493)
Saskia Coenen Snyder,Department of History, History of the Holocaust (HIST 380)

2015 - 2016

Lydia Brandt, Art History, School of Visual Art and Design, History of American Art I, ARTH 340
Mark Garrett Cooper, Film and Media Studies Program, Film and Media History, FAMS 300

Lara Ducate, Kristina Stefanić-Brown and Ursula Engelbrecht, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Beginning German I & II (GERM 109 and GERM 110), Elementary German (GERM 121), Basic Proficiency in German (GERM 122)

Edward Gatzke, College of Engineering and Computing, Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Engineering I (BMEN 211)

Renee LeClair, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Medicine (GMED G620)

James Barilla, Department of English Language and Literature, Creative Writing (ENGL 360)
Peter Duffy, Department of Theatre and Dance
Marketa Kubickova, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Julia López-Robertson, Instruction and Teacher Education, Global and Multicultural Perspectives on Education in International Settings (EDUC 360) and Field Problems in Education IV (EDUC 635)
John Weidner, Chemical Engineering

Amanda Dalola and Lara Lomicka Anderson, Languages, Literatures & Cultures, The Art of French Cuisine (FREN 398/ FREN 595)
John Grady, Sport & Entertainment Management, SPTE Program: Developing a “Four-Year Undergraduate Research Experience,” Sport and Entertainment Management 
Joe Jones, Marine Science, Aquaponics (MSCI 599)
Shelley Jones,  English, Palmetto College, Extended University, PALM 495
Stephanie Milling, Theatre and Dance, Dance Education Program
Jeff Ranta, Dirk Brown, and Jeff Rehling, Journalism & Mass Communications, Management, Marketing, The Strategic Communications Institute at the University of South Carolina
Sarah Rothenberg, Environmental Health, Global Environmental Health, ENHS 323/ ENVR 323
Jeremy Searson, Physical Education and Athletic Training, Athletic Training Program Clinical Education Courses (ATEP-292, ATEP-293, ATEP-392, ATEP-393, ATEP-492 and ATEP-494)
Chandini Sankaran, Economics, Economics of Sustainable Development (ECON 509)
Armen Shaomian, Sport & Entertainment Management, Promoting Live Entertainment Events (SPTE 404)

Sharon DeWitte, Anthropology and Biological Sciences, Human Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOL 244)
Kelly Lynn MulveyEducational Studies, College of Education, Development: Childhood (EDPY 706) 
Greg Springer, School of Music, Understanding the Psychology of Music (MUED 1xx)

Aidyn Iachini and Brie Dunn, Social Work and College of Pharmacy
Jed Lyons, Mechanical Engineering
Helene Maire-Afeli, Chemistry, USC Union
Christine Raper, Public Health

2014 - 2015

Spring 2015

Patricia Fabel, College of Pharmacy, Self Care and Complimentary Medicines,  SCCP 750
, Final Report
Kirk A. Foster, Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities,  SOWK 732
, Final Report
Elina Levina and April South, Biological Sciences, Biological Principles I Laboratory(BIOL 101L) and Biological Principles II Laboratory (BIOL 102L), Final Report

David Lee Miller, English, Fiction (ENGL 282
F), Final Report
Wayne Outten and Caryn E. Outten, Chemistry & Biochemistry, (Course 1: Biochemistry/Molecular Biology – CHEM 555/BIOL 545; Course 2: Metabolic Biochemistry of Human Disease – CHEM 639/BIOL 599) , Final Report

Fall 2014

Elizabeth Breitbach, Economics, Introduction to Economics, ECON 224, Final Report
Melinda Forthofer, Linda (Lyndie) Hazlett, Jan Eberth, Epidemiology, Principles of Epidemiology, EPID 410, Final Report
Daniel Jenkins, Music, Music Theory I & II, MUSC 115 and MUSC 116, Final Report
Alan White, Bert Ely, Shannon Davis, Milan Dhameja, Biology, Biological Principles I & II, BIOL 101 and BIOL 102

Lana Burgess, McKissick Museum
Lara Ducate, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Tara Fetemie, Biology
Nicole Fisk, English
Laura Kissel, Art
Elise Lewis, Mass Communications and Information Studies, School of Library and Information Science
Karen Mallia, School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Michelle Martin, CMIS, School of Library and Information Science
Karen Patten, Integrated Information Technology, HRSM
Collin Webster, Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training, College of Education

Shemsi Alhaddad, Department of Mathematics, USC Lancaster, Elementary Statistics, STAT 201
Khalid Ballouli, Department of Sport and Entertainment Management, Special Topics in Live Entertainment and Sport: Social Media, SPTE 570
Gloria Boutte, Instruction and Teacher Education, Educating African American Students, EDTE 776
Catherine Castner, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Introduction to Latin American Civilization and Beginning Latin II, LATN 109 and LATN 110
Christopher Emrich, Department of Geography, Hazards Analysis and Planning, GEOG 535
Matthew Irvin, Educational Psychology and Research, Growth and Development: Middle Childhood and Adolescence, EDPY 707
Paul Malovrh, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Elementary Spanish and Basic Proficiency in Spanish, SPAN 121 and SPAN 122)
Ronda Sanders, Department of Mathematics, Basic College Mathematics, MAT 111) 

Bobby Donaldson, History, College of Arts & Sciences
Brianne Dunn, College of Pharmacy
Farkas Csilla, Computer Science & Engineering
Patrick Hickey, Capstone Scholar Program
David DeWeil, Capstone Scholar Program
Jeffrey Irwin, USC Salkehatchie
Liu Xiaofeng (Steven), Education Studies, College of Education
Christine Sixta-Rinehart, Political Science, USC Union
Brad Stratton, Moore School of Business


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