Public Acknowledgement
In all public acknowledgments, indicate that you received partial funding through the USC Office of Access and Opportunity’s Inclusive Excellence Grant fund.
The Inclusive Excellence Grant Fund is established and supported by the Office of Access and Opportunity to encourage new inclusive excellence initiatives and strengthen existing initiatives regarding inclusive excellence.
We encourage you to submit your application and contribute to the continued excellence of the USC Columbia community!
The Inclusive Excellence Grant Fund is established and supported by the Office of Access and Opportunity to encourage new, and strengthen existing, inclusive excellence initiatives. Successful applicants will be granted awards of up to $2,000 for creative programs, events and academic initiatives that foster collaborative partnerships and encourage inclusive excellence across all dimensions of identity.
Applications are open to students, registered student clubs and organizations, faculty and staff of the Columbia campus. New initiatives that include collaborative proposals will be favorably considered. To ensure that widest impact possible, it may be necessary to limit the number of awards granted to the same office, unit, program, or individuals during a given funding cycle.
USC community members seeking support for research projects relating to race and racial justice should seek funding through the Racial Justice and Equity Research Fund.
The Office of Access and Opportunity retains discretion in determining funding level based upon review of submitted application criteria and fund goals/objectives.
Funds will not be provided for:
The proposal must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of the educational projects, programs and activities start date.
Proposals will be reviewed, approved/denied within two weeks of submission by the Office of Access and Opportunity. If additional information is needed, a member of the OAO staff may request to meet with the contacts.
Funding will be distributed throughout the academic year and must be used in the same fiscal year (September 1-August 31). All projects that receive grant funding must be completed prior to the end of the funding cycle (August 31).
Applicants must disclose any additional funding received. Funds awarded must be used for the intended purpose and abide by all USC fiscal policies and procedures.
In all public acknowledgments, indicate that you received partial funding through the USC Office of Access and Opportunity’s Inclusive Excellence Grant fund.
Provide OOAO with a brief write-up regarding the funded program and key accomplishments of the project or event.
Agree to abide by all USC fiscal/financial policies and rules and OOAO grant stipulations.
Provide a list of the event attendees to the Office of Access and Opportunity.
If a survey or feedback form is disseminated to participants regarding the quality/impact of the sponsored event, share the results with the Office of Access and Opportunity.