Attorneys on staff with the Children’s Law Center are available to mentor law students enrolled in the child law concentration program. This mentoring opportunity is intended to provide students with insight into the legal profession and tools to guide their success in the area of children’s law. Students are matched with an experienced attorney who practiced in an area of interest.
To enroll, contact Stephanie Nye at 803-777-1451.
The Children's Law Center hires second and third year law students to work as research assistants on a part-time basis. Research assistants perform a variety of tasks, including legal and non-legal research related to child maltreatment and juvenile justice. Law clerks also research and prepare summaries on various children’s issues to assist the Joint Citizens and Legislative Committee on Children. Experience in children's issues and course work in social sciences is preferred.
To apply, send a letter of interest, resume, and law school transcript (student copy
acceptable) to:
Margaret Bodman
Children's Law Center
1600 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29208
For more information, call 803-777-1646.
The Children's Law Center seeks motivated second year or advanced standing MSW students for field placement. Selected students, preferably macro or dual track (MSW/JD), will be primarily involved in projects related to the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. Specific duties could include researching evidenced-based practices, assisting in the development of training curricula, and gathering and analyzing data.
To apply, send a letter of interest and resume to:
Children's Law Center
1600 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29208
For more information, call 803-777-1646.
Any USC student who is completing a research assignment related to child maltreatment or juvenile justice may contact the Children’s Law Center for assistance. Staff are available to serve as second reader or to provide informal consultation. Additionally, students may utilize the Center’s Child Law Book Collection.
For more information, call 803-777-1646.