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College of HRSM Strategic Plan

The College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management at the University of South Carolina is launching a strategic plan initiative during the 2024-25 academic year aimed at unifying the college around a shared vision and values. HRSM has engaged with Huron, a proven global professional services firm, to help guide the college through this process.

Led by the strategic planning committee, the initiative will involve the entire HRSM community through focus groups, interviews and surveys. The planning process will occur in phases, beginning in fall 2024 with college-level planning, followed by unit-level planning in spring 2025, and a finalized plan in summer 2025. Updates and opportunities for participation will be regularly provided on this website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need a strategic plan?
An effective strategic plan will unify the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management around a common vision and shared values, align resources to critical priorities, and outline a clear roadmap for meaningful action. 

What are the key components of a strategic plan?
Please see below for a description of the strategic plan components including the mission, vision and values. 

Who is involved in the process?
The Strategic Planning Committee is leading the development of the strategic plan in collaboration with HRSM leadership during the Fall. In the spring, working groups will be formed to lead the development of unit-level strategic plans that align with College-level priorities. Throughout the planning process, we will engage faculty, staff, students, alumni, industry and community partners, and more through focus groups, interviews and surveys.

How can I participate?
We appreciate your interest and welcome your participation! We encourage you to provide your ideas via the online idea box and to view regular updates on the strategic planning website.

Strategic Plan Timeline

  • Phase 0: Pre-Planning – August 2024
  • Phase 1: College-Level Planning – Fall 2024
  • Phase 2: Unit-Level Planning – Spring 2025
  • Phase 3: Finalize Plans and Prepare for Execution – Summer 2025

Strategic Plan Components

  • Mission: What is our College’s broad and enduring mission or purpose?
  • Vision: To what end should we direct our efforts and resources over the next five years?
  • Values: What are the values that drive our behaviors and decision-making?
  • Priority Areas of Focus: What key areas of activity will primarily help us realize our vision?
  • Signature Initiatives: What are the most important initiatives that will help us realize our vision in this period?
  • Success Measures: How will we know we are successful?
  • Execution Capabilities: What capabilities and resources will be required to support implementation?

Strategic Planning Committee

  • Kim Boone headshot

    Kim Boone (committee co-chair)

    Director of Special Events

  • Collin Crick headshot

    Collin Crick

    Assistant Dean for Enrollment Management and Professional Development

  • Marketa Kubickova headshot

    Marketa Kubickova

    Interim Faculty Director of International Affairs

  • Susan O'Malley headshot

    Susan O'Malley

    Senior Instructor

  • Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana headshot

    Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana

    Assistant Professor

  • Stephanie Richards headshot

    Stephanie Richards

    Manager of Planning and Technology

  • Stephen Shapiro headshot

    Stephen Shapiro

    Interim Associate Dean of Graduate Education

  • Scott Smith headshot

    Scott Smith (committee co-chair)

    School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Associate Director

  • Mike Watson headshot

    Mike Watson

    Department of Retailing Undergraduate Program Director

  • Tina Weeks Weaver headshot

    Tina Weeks Weaver

    Director of Alumni and External Relations

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