Share your news
We can assist in content creation and distribution, including web stories, media relations and CEC social media posts.
Use the links belowto start your communications request:
We can assist in content creation and distribution, including web stories, media relations and CEC social media posts.
Update an existing webpage or create new pages.
New faculty and staff should use this link to be added to the online faculty/staff directory.
Research groups, centers and institutes can use this form to be added to the online research directory.
Use this internal form to start your pitch to The Conversation, a national news outlet written by academians.
Need printed materials updated or new graphics for a communications project? Email Katie Haon at khaon@cec.sc.edu.
We are available to take headshots for new faculty and to photograph college-level events. Email Chris Woodley at cwoodley@mailbox.sc.edu.
Submit an announcement for the TV monitors in Swearingen, 300 Main and the Storey Innovation Center by emailing Katie Haon at khaon@cec.sc.edu.
Recent publications and awards are shared as faculty notes in USC Today. Ensure your news is submitted by emailing Chris Woodley at cwoodley@mailbox.sc.edu.