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College of Information and Communications

Dean's Circle

2021-2022 Members

Through the Dean’s Circle Society, we recognize those who annually (July 1- June 30) make a gift of $1,000+, and young alumni who annually contribute $500+ to support the college.

Adobe Systems Incorporated
American Online Giving Foundation
James R. Baker
Lisa B. Baker, ‘79
Chernoff Newman, LLC
Christopher A. Andrews
Courtney M. Charney
Michael  J. Charney, '81
Mimi W. Cunningham, ‘68
Tom G. Cunningham
EBSCO Publishing
Carole A. Farrar, '90
Bradley T. Farrar, '89
Terence G. Feheley, '77
Michael Fernandez
Francis X. Gavigan
Karen W. Gavigan
Daniel  P. Herres, '81
Rebecca M. Herres
Jane S. Hitchcock
The Hitchcock Hoagland Foundation
Jim  L. Hoagland, '61
The J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
H. Thorp Minister, ‘81
Taylor C. Moses
Nebo Agency
Prodigy Fund Ltd. Partnership
Progressive Insurance
Random House, Inc.
Edward V. Roberts, ‘64
Pat Roberts
Neal Robinson, '10
Rochester Institute of Technology
Elaine M. Schupp, ‘83
William F. Schupp
Vicky L. Sistrunk, '92
South Carolina Broadcasters Association
Janet E. Tarbox, '75
Ernest L. Wiggins, 1978
Janet F. Worthington
Mark T. Worthington

American Library Association
American Online Giving Foundation
Cyberwoven LLC
Kenneth Fischer, '84
Go To Team, Inc.
Therese A. Griffin, '82
Murray M. Howard, '71
Barry Pearl
Sharon Pearl
Lisa Pitasi-Fischer, '84
Schwab Charitable Fund
Social Science Research Council
The Springs Close Foundation Inc.
Beverley J. Wotherspoon
Katherine Zorn, ‘96

Shirley S. Carter
Arika J. Dickens, '03
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
Christopher Dickens
Ainsley H. Earhardt, '99
Harry L. Logan, '70
Clayton K. Owen ‘82
Mary C. Painter, '02
William Proctor
The Waterhouse Family Institute for the Study of Communication and Society

Virginia Bedford
William M. Boykin, '80
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Coastal Community Foundation
Pamela G. Deas, '72
Thomas C. Deas, '72
Lois L. Duke, 1976
East Commerce LLC
David F. Corvette, ‘82
Gail H. Corvette
Dayna Elliott
Richard D. Elliott, '67
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Roy C. Frazee
Evelyn B. Frazee, '78
Elizabeth H. Gaetan, '87
Manuel Gaetan
Barret E. Green
Erin G. Hall, ’96
Jennifer P. Hammond, '85
Dehler Hart
Judy Huitt, ‘67
Sig Huitt, ‘67
Charles R. Keefer, '99
Heather H. McCue, ‘96
Rob N. McCue
Fred J. Monk, 1971
Nonie L. Price, ‘68
Fred Roper
Rion M. Rutledge, ‘59
Janice Sanders, ‘86


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
