Faculty |
Aldeguer, Christopher |
Adjunct Instructor |
Hip Hop Dance |
a.chris.9919@gmail.com |
Faculty |
Alexander, Joy |
Adjunct Instructor, Dance |
Faculty |
Anderson, Christopher |
Instructor, Dance |
christophera@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Anderson, Susan E. |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Dance |
803-576-7915 |
susanea@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Faculty |
Anim, Nana |
Adjunct Instructor |
Afrikan Drumming and Dance |
803-629-1199 |
Drumdance7@gmail.com |
Faculty |
Arconti, Marina |
Costume Shop Supervisor/Instructor |
803-777-6840 / 803-777-2500 |
marconti@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Bailey, Erin |
Adjunct Instructor |
baile234@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Boiter-Jolley, Bonnie |
Adjunct Instructor, Dance |
BOITERJB@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Britt, David |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-4754 |
brittdg@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Browne, Lyle |
Instructor |
803-576-8038 |
Browne2@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Bush, Kevin |
Marketing Director |
803-777-9353 |
bushk@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Faculty |
Craig, Marybeth Gorman |
Instructor, Theatre |
803-576-7912 |
gormanm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Faculty |
Deckert, Jennifer |
Associate Professor of Dance / Associate Department Chair for Dance / Director of Dance |
803-576-5609 |
jdeckert@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Dils, Ann |
Adjunct Instructor |
ADILS@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Duffy, Peter |
Head of the MAT Program / Director of Undergraduate Studies / Professor |
803-777-1277 |
duffyp@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Durlach, Richard |
Adjunct Instructor |
803-777-5636 |
durlach@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Staff |
Edwards, Jessica |
Adjunct Instructor |
jte1@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Flatmo, Erik |
Assistant Professor, Scenic Design |
erikflatmo@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Forehand, Eduard |
Instructor, Dance |
803-576-7910 |
EDUARD@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Gross, Sam |
Assistant Technical Director, Senior Instructor |
803-777-7124 |
grossd@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Staff |
Groves, Antalisha |
Administrative Assistant, Dance |
803-777-5636 |
ATGROVES@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hall, Kristy |
Associate Professor, Costume Design |
803-777-1241 |
hallkl9@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theatre and Dance |
Faculty |
Haynes, Mario |
Adjunct Instructor, Theatre |
marioh@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hunter, Jim |
Professor |
803-777-1203 |
hunter@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Keith, Scott |
Instructor of Undergraduate Design |
Lab Theater Technical Supervisor |
803-576-7943 |
scottkeith@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Kelly, Patrick Michael |
Adjunct Instructor |
kellypm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Kiselica, John |
Senior Instructor; Assistant Technical Director, Lighting and Sound |
kiselica@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Lehman, Amy |
Director of Graduate Studies / Head of MA Program / Associate Professor |
803-777-6352 |
lehmana@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Long, Laken |
Student Services Coordinator |
803-777-4681 |
lakenl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theatre and Dance |
Faculty |
McGhee, Diane |
Adjunct Instructor |
mcgheeva@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Megerdichian, André |
Associate Professor of Dance |
803-777-0659 |
megerdia@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Milling, Stephanie |
Department Chair / Head of Dance Education |
Profesor |
803-777-0768 |
smilling@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Mills, Andy |
Senior Instructor, Technical Director |
803-777-8049 |
ajmills@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Faculty |
Morris, Eric |
Senior Instructor, Production Manager (Dance) |
Production Manager |
803-777-7595 |
morriser@mailbox.sc.edu |
Theater and Dance |
Faculty |
Pruett, Valerie |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-8092 |
vmpruett@yahoo.com |
Theater and Dance |
Staff |
Richardson, Quinda |
Business Manager |
803-777-4876 |
QUINDA@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Ross-Boyd, Heather |
Departmental HR & Fiscal Coordinator |
803-777-7209 |
rossboyd@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Stuhler, Leah |
Office Manager / Assistant to the Chair |
803-777-5208 |
LSTUHLER@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Taylor, Ashlee Daniels |
Adjunct Faculty, Dance |
803-777-7264 / 803-777-0823 |
Taylo833@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Tobolski, Erica |
Professor / Associate Department Chair for Theatre |
803-777-5242 |
eetobols@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Waldrop, Olivia |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-0751 |
owaldrop@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Whitehead, Dustin |
Assistant Professor of Film and Media Performance |
dw27@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Wilson, Danielle |
Adjunct Instructor, Theatre / Stage Manager |
danbielleawilson10@gmail.com |
Faculty |
Wilson, Lauren |
Assistant Professor, Theatre |
803-576-7936 |
LW63@mailbox.sc.edu |