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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Nuclear, Astro and Particle Physics Seminars

These lectures feature speakers from around the country and globe. Each seminar lasts about an hour and takes a closer look at more specialized fields in various realms of physics and astronomy.

Many seminars will be held in a hybrid format and a recurring Zoom link is provided to access the virtual format.

The talks will be on Wednesdays at 4PM in the Rogers Room (Jones PSC 409).

Upcoming Seminar (Fall 2024):

"Electroweak processes in light nuclei with quantum Monte Carlo methods"

Speaker: Garrett King
Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Date: Jan 22nd


Precision measurements involving nuclei are at the cutting edges of nuclear physics and testing the Standard Model (SM) of physics. For instance, precision beta decay measurements have the potential to constrain beyond SM physics at TeV scales. To interpret these experiments, it is crucial to have comparably accurate theoretical predictions of relevant quantities along with an accurate understanding of the underlying nuclear dynamics. In this contribution, I will overview recent calculations of electroweak processes with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) computational methods used to solve the many-body Schrodinger equation. The QMC approach retains the complexity of many-nucleon dynamics and provides highly accurate results for light nuclei. I will discuss calculations of observable quantities for comparison with readily available data-- such as beta decay, magnetic moments, and elastic electron scattering-- used to validate models of nuclear many-body interactions and electroweak currents. I will also present QMC calculations of the 6He beta decay spectrum and show that the estimated theoretical uncertainties are comparable to the experimental precision, thus allowing for further constraints of new physics at TeV scales.

Spring 2025 Calendar:

Date Speaker Title of Seminar
22/1/25 Garrett King "Electroweak processes in light nuclei with quantum Monte Carlo methods"

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