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Department of Philosophy


The Department is active in sponsoring and hosting events for our students, faculty, and the public.  All are invited to publicly advertised events.  Past events can be seen via the links in the menu.

Upcoming Events for Spring 2024:



Luvell Anderson (University of Illinois)

"Comedic Resistance"
September 20th, 2024- Close-Hipp 303
People respond to political turmoil in different ways. I will be interested in one form more-or-less non-violent resistance might take: comedic resistance. You may already believe you know what comedic resistance is. The Trump years, for example, seemed to give rise to many comedic and satirical performances. Alec Baldwin’s frequent Saturday Night Live appearances as an exaggerated Trumpian fool come to mind. And while I acknowledge that satire and comedy can be effective tools of resistance, I also suggest comedic resistance can take a deeper form.

Jennifer Jhun (Duke University)

"Title: TBD"
October 11th, 2024 - Close-Hipp 401

Nicolas Bommarito (Simon Fraser University)

"Title: TBD"
October 25th, 2024 - Close-Hipp 303

Matt Strohl (University of Montana) 

"Title: TBD"
November 8th, 2024 - Close-Hipp 303

Email for details: Tyke Nunez

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
