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Department of Geography


April Hiscox

Title: Professor
Department: Geography
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-6604
Office: Callcott, Room 212

Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Department of Geography

April Hiscox


Dr. Hiscox is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography where she conducts research in boundary layer meteorology. She received her B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from The University of Connecticut, her M.S. in Electrical Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and her Ph.D (2006). in Natural Resources from the University of Connecticut. Her primary research interests are in the area of land-air interactions with a special emphasis on new measurement techniques. She is a lidar specialist, using this unique form of remote sensing to track aerosol plumes from a variety of sources including dust, smoke and pesticide sprays. She was an international visiting scholar at SCION – New Zealand’s Crown Research Institute of Forestry and currently serves as PI for the upcoming SAVANT field campaign. April is has been a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Board on Atmospheric Biogeosciences and the AMS Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. April also participates in outreach activities to teach meteorology to elementary school children through high-altitude ballooning.


  • Aerosol Lidar
  • Land-air Interactions
  • Stable Boundary Layers

More can be found at Dr. Hiscox's lab webpage.


  • GEOG 104: Introduction to Physical Geography
  • GEOG 202: Introduction to Weather and Climate
  • GEOG 371: Air Pollution Climatology
  • GEOG 571: Microclimatology

Recent Publications 

 McCombs, A. G., Hiscox, A. L., Wang, C., Desai, A. R., Suyker, A. E., & Biraud, S. C. (2018). Carbon Flux Phenology from the Sky: Evaluation for Maize and Soybean. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35(4), 877–892.

Richardson, B., Strand, T. M., Thistle, H., Hiscox, A., Kimberley, M. O., & Schou, W. C. (2017). Influence of a Young Pinus radiata Canopy on Aerial Spray Drift. Transactions of the ASABE, 60(6), 1851. — Winner ASABE Superior Paper of the Year

Hiscox, A.L., Flecher, S., Wang, J.J., Viator, H.P., 2015. “A comparative analysis of potential impact area of common sugar cane burning methods”. Atmospheric Environment 106, 154-164.

Bagtzoglou, A. C., E. D. Kenney, A. Hiscox, and D. R. Miller, 2014: Optimization-Based Atmospheric Plume Source Identification. Environmental Forensics, 15, 147-158.

Holmen, B. A., J. Kasumba, A. Hiscox, J. Wang & D. R. Miller, 2013. “Mechanized and Natural Soil-to-Air Transfer of Trifluralin and Prometryn from a Cotton Field in Las Cruces, New Mexico.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, 9776-9783.

Granucci, D.V., M. Rudnicki, A.L. Hiscox, H-B Su, and D.R. Miller, 2013, “Quantifying the Effects of Freezing on Tree Sway Frequency,” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 168, 10-14.

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