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Department of English Language and Literature


Gareth Rees-White

Title: Instructor
Department: English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Office: HOB 600
Gareth Rees-White


PhD, Rhetoric and Composition – University of South Carolina, 2022
MA, English – California Polytechnic State University, SLO, 2015
BA, American Studies – University of East Anglia, 2012

Areas of Specialization

Composition History
Global Language Rights
Horror Cinema
International Composition
Professional Communication (Business Writing/Technical Communication)


ENGL 101:
   • Reading and Writing About Human and Language Rights Conflicts (Honors, Maxcy, Capstone)
Reading and Writing About Horror Sub-Genres (Capstone)

ENGL 102: 
   Research and Writing About Horror Environments (Capstone)
   • Researching and Writing About Horror Creators (Honors, Capstone)
Researching and Writing About Human and Language Rights Conflicts (Capstone)
Researching and Writing About Contemporary Satire (Capstone)

ENGL 387/SPCH 387: Introduction to Rhetoric
ENGL 462: Technical Writing (Honors)
ENGL 463: Business Writing (Honors)

Selected Fellowships and Awards

- Provost’s Inaugural AI Teaching Fellowship, University of South Carolina 2024
- Overall Doctoral Graduate Student Achiever Award, University of South Carolina 2022
- First Year English Eliot Award for Graduate Teaching, University of South Carolina 2021
- Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award, University of South Carolina 2021

Selected Publications

Chapter in Edited Collection
   • “James Moffett as Trans-Atlantic Nexus.” In James Moffett's Holistic and Spiritual Pedagogy: Toward a Re-emergence of the Student Centered. Ed. Marine, J.M., Rogers, P.M., Blau, S., K. Kelly.

   • The Carolina Rhetoric for English 102, 5th edition. Lead Editor w/ Sebastian Ivy and Nicole Fisk. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 2019.
   • The Carolina Rhetoric for English 102, 4th edition. Co-editor w/ Sebastian Ivy and Nicole Fisk. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 2018.

Conference Presentations
   • Invited Speaker: “From Orientation to Graduation: An International GTA Perspective.” Center for Teaching Excellence, Columbia, SC. Sept., 2022
   • “The Language Conflict Project: Perspectives on 21st century Ethnolinguistic Conflict.” Communication, Conflict and Peace Online Symposium, The Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies. June, 2022.
   • “Extra Credit: Building Community in the Online Classroom.” Octoberbest, Center for Teaching Excellence, Columbia, SC. Sept., 2020.
   • “Building A Trans-Atlantic Hospitable Relationship.” RSA, Portland, WA. May, 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19).
   • “Trans-Atlantic Commonality.” CCCC, Milwaukee, WI. March, 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19).
   • “A Call for Globalization.” CRC, Raleigh, NC. April, 2019.
   • “Perspicuity of the Body and Mind: Campbell and Austin as Technical Communicators.” CRC, Clemson, SC. Feb., 2018.
   • “Cover Art 65 Million Years in The Making: Jurassic Park as Paratext.” PCA/ACA in the South Conference, Savannah, GA. Oct., 2017.
   • “Here Be Monsters: Mapping the Unknown.” CRC, Columbia, SC. Feb, 2017.
   • “The Euphemistic Rise of The Sexual Love Song.” PCA/ACA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. April, 2015.
   • “The Horror of Humanity.” UNR College of Liberal Arts Graduate Symposium, Reno, NV. March, 2015.
   • “Who Convenes the Conference: Super-Heroic Satire in Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.” PCA/ACA in the South Conference, New Orleans, LA. Oct, 2014.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
