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Department of English Language and Literature


Kelly Pierce

Title: Instructor
Department: English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Office: HOB 400
Kelly Pierce

PhD, English – Creative Writing, Illinois State University
MA, English, Eastern Illinois University
BA, English with Theatre Minor, University of Illinois at Springfield
BS, Business – Management, Eastern Illinois University

Areas of Specialization

Creative Writing
Business Writing
Comics and Graphic Novels
Film and Media Studies


ENGL 101 Critical Reading and Composition
ENGL 102 Rhetoric and Composition
ENGL 463 Business Writing

Current Projects

I am currently working on the sequel to my Young Adult novel, Under Different Moons, as well as other creative writing projects.


   • Under Different Moons, Amazon, 2023
   • “The Lies of Love,” Top 100 Launch Pad Prose Competition, 2022
   • “Behind the Silver Screen: The Movie Theater as an Activity System,” Grassroots Writing Journal: Issue 11.1, Illinois State University, Fall 2020


   • “Trends in YA Literature in the Black Lives Matter Era,” The 55th Annual Allerton English Articulation Conference, Allerton Park, Monticello, IL, 2019
   • “No Sign of Intelligent Life,” The Nancy Henning’s Memorial Reading, Bob’s Bookstore, Charleston, IL, 2018
   • “Out From the Ghetto,” Writing the Refugee Experience: Contemporary Writers Imagine the Displaced of World War II, Eastern Illinois University, 2018
   • “Die Glücklichen (The Lucky Ones),” Writing the Refugee Experience: Contemporary Writers Imagine the Displaced of World War II, Eastern Illinois University, 2018
   • “The Lies of Love,” English Studies Conference, Eastern Illinois University, 2018
   • “Prudence Barbary,” English 5000 Symposium, Eastern Illinois University, 2017
   • “Posters for The Heidi Chronicles: Practical Techniques in Dramaturgy,” The Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Research Symposium, University of Illinois at Springfield, 2011
   • “Issues of Paternity in Dickens’s Great Expectations,” The Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Research Symposium, University of Illinois at Springfield, Spring 2010

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
