Department of English Language and Literature
Jonathan Edwards
Title: | Associate Professor McCausland Faculty Fellow |
Department: | English Language and Literature College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Office: |
HUO 420 |
Resources: | English Language and Literature McCausland Faculty Fellow |

PhD, Northwestern University
MA, Central Michigan University
BA, Indiana University – Indianapolis
Areas of Specialization
Political Communication
Religion and Public Culture
Rhetorical Criticism
Recently Taught Courses
ENGL 793: Rhetorical Theory and Practice: Medieval to Modern
ENGL/SPCH 387: Introduction to Rhetoric
SPCH 260: Argumentation and Debate
SPCH 230: Business and Professional Speaking
SPCH 140: Fundamentals of Public Communication
SCHC 158: Honors Rhetoric
SPCH 213: Communicating Moral Issues
Professional Accolades
• McCausland Faculty Fellowship, University of South Carolina, 2025-2028
• Graduate Dissertation Award in Communication Studies, Northwestern University, Department
of Communication, 2011
Current Research Projects
My research focuses on political communication and public culture with a particular emphasis on the ways in which discourses about religion and religious communities shape the contemporary political landscape.
Selected Publications
• Rhetoric of the Protestant Sermon in America: Pulpit Discourse at the Turn of the
Millennium, co-edited with Eric C. Miller (Lexington Books, 2020).
• Superchurch: The Rhetoric and Politics of American Fundamentalism (Michigan State University Press, 2015).
• “Democracy’s End: Far-Right Fundamentalism and the Rhetoric of R. J. Rushdoony,” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 54, no. 4 (2024): 351-65.
• “Memes, Condensation Symbols, and the Changing Landscape of Political Rhetoric,” Critical Studies in Media Communication 39, no. 1 (2022): 29-41.
• “Unresolved: Public Speaking Instruction Beyond Persuasion,” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 21, no. 4 (2021): 48-55.
• “Is Trump Also Among the Fundamentalists? Religious Freedom and the Fight to Repeal
the Johnson Amendment,” in The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States, edited by Eric C. Miller (Lexington Books, 2018), 201-15.
• “What Do We Mean By ‘Radicalization?’” Communication Currents 10, no. 2 (2015),
• “Figuring Radicalization: Congressional Narratives of Homeland Security and American
Muslim Communities,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 12, no. 1 (2015): 102-20.
• “Countersymbols and the Constitution of Resistance in American Fundamentalism, 1919-1922,” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 17, no. 3 (2014): 421-54.
• “Calvin and Hobbes: Trinity, Authority, and Community,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 42, no. 2 (2009), 115-33.
• “Jonathan Edwards: ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’ (8 July 1741),” Voices of Democracy 1 (2006): 187-207.
Selected Presentations
• “‘America is No Longer Beautiful in Our Textbooks:’ Aesthetics, Book Bans, and
Conflicts Over School Curricula in the 1980s,” Paper delivered at the Biannual Meeting
of the Rhetoric Society of America, Denver, Colorado, May 2024.
• “(Whose) Freedom in the Classroom?: Rhetorics of Parental Rights and Expert Judgment
in American Education,” Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the National Communication
Association, National Harbor, Maryland, November 2023.
• “Rhetorics of Religious Freedom and Pandemic Persecution: Opening Grace Community
Church in the Time of COVID,” Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Religious
Communication Association, Washington, D.C., November 2023.
• “Educating Against Democracy: Christian Nationalism, School Curricula, and the
Rhetoric of R. J. Rushdoony,” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Southern
States Communication Association, St. Petersburg, Florida, April 2023.
• “Billy Graham, ‘Finding Answers,’ and the Rhetoric of Nixonian Fundamentalism
in 1973,” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association,
New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2022.
• “Freedom from Rights: The Rhetoric of Authority and Abuse in American Fundamentalism,”
Paper delivered at the Biannual Meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America, Baltimore,
Maryland, May 2022.
• “Race, Post-Race, and the Rhetoric of Fundamentalist Segregation at Bob Jones
University,” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Southern States Communication
Association, Greenville, SC, April 2022.
• “Whose American Heritage? Christian Textbooks and Historical Transformation in the
1970s,” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association,”
Seattle, Washington, November 2021.
• “Teaching the Pandemic: Speech and Community Building Through Bricolage,” Paper delivered
at the Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association,” Seattle, Washington,
November 2021.
• “The War on Refugee Terror: Traumatic Memes and the American Other,” Paper delivered
at the Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association,” November 2020.
• “The Paradox of the Political Sermon,” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the
National Communication Association,” Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2018.
• “Plain Speech, Political Correctness, and the Rhetoric of ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism,’”
Paper delivered at the Biannual Meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, May 2018.