Department of English Language and Literature
F.K. Schoeman
Title: | Professor |
Department: | English Language and Literature College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Office: | HUO, Room 508 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae [pdf] Jewish Studies Program English Language and Literature My Personal Website |

PhD, Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2008
MA, Brandeis University, 1998
Laurea Summa Cum Laude, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy, 1995
• Holocaust Studies
• Jewish Fiction, Autobiographies and Film
• Jewish Literature and Thought
• Jewish Diaspora - Europe and America: History, Literature, and Cultural Productions
• Women's Memoirs
• Feminist and Psychoanalytical Approaches to Western Cultural Production
• The Holocaust through Literature and Film
• "Rhapsody in Schmaltz:" 20th-Century Jewish American Literature, Film and Pop Culture
• Women and Shoah Memory, Memoirs and Memorials
• At Home in the Shtetl: Pre-War Jewish Life through Literature
• Fictional Memory: Women's Autobiographies and the Definition of the Self
• Melting Identities: The Formation of a Jewish-American Identity
• Family Matters: Twentieth-Century Jewish Women Remembering Family and/as History
• Great Books of the Western World (II): Europe - From Enlightenment to Disenlightenment
- A Postmodern Approach
• Diasporas: Jews and Other Immigrants Writing Their American Story
• 2023 English Department Teaching Award
• 2022 Women’s & Gender Studies Faculty Teaching Award
• 2017 CURT C. AND ELSE SILBERMAN FELLOWSHIP FOR FACULTY from the Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington,
• INTERNATIONAL WILL EISNER COMIC INDUSTRY AWARD FOR BEST SCHOLARLY ACADEMIC WORK for the volume Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women, Sarah Lightman editor (2015).
• English Department's Teacher of the Year Award, 2013
• Forence Home Award for Feminist Scholarship from Modern Language Association Women's
Caucus, 2012
• University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Stipend
Award, 2011
• Josephine Abney Award in Women's and Gender Studies, 2010
• Honorable Mention for the Carolyn Heilbrun Award, 2008-2009
• The National Foundation for Jewish Culture and The Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Doctoral
Dissertation Fellowship in Jewish Studies, 2007-2009
• Blanksteen Fellowship in Jewish Studies, 2006-2007
• South of My Dreams: Finding My American Home - A memoir. USC Press, 2024.
• Holocaust Mothers and Daughters: Family, History, and Trauma. Brandeis University Press, 2013.
• “Funny Professors, Serious Lessons: An Analysis of the Image of Jews as Academics
in Film,” F.K.Schoeman and Christian Anderson. Forthcoming in Jewish Film & New Media.
• “Between Jew and Nature: Tracing Jewish Ethics in the Ecological Imagination of Bernard
Malamud’s Dubin’s Lives” in Studies in American Jewish Literature, volume 38, Number 1 (March 2019): 47-75.
• "Natalia Ginzburg, Clara Sereni, Lia Levi: Jewish Italian Women Recapturing City,
Family and National Memory," forthcoming in The European Journal of Women's Studies.
• "The JAP, the Yenta and the Mame in Aline Kominsky Crumb's Graphic Imagination" The
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (Routledge University Press) June 2012.
• "Nightbirds, Nightmares and the Mothers' Smile: Art and Psychoanalysis in Sarah Kofman's
Life-Writing." Women in French Studies, 2011.
• "Helena Janeczek's Lessons of Darkness: Uncharted Paths to Shoah Memory through Food
and Language." Contemporary Women Writers (Oxford University Press) Fall 2011.
• "Challenging (Jewish) Invisibility: Natalia Ginzburg, Lia Levi and Clara Sereni Reinterpreting
City, Family and Memory," forthcoming in the volume Performing Pasts, Inventing Selves:
History and Identity in Contemporary Jewish Writing, Philippe Codde, Vivian Liska,
Gert Buelens, and Kristiaan Versluys eds. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2011.
• "DOWN, DOWN AND WITHIN! The Superpowers of Jewish Women's Graphic Memory," contributed
to the catalogue for the exhibition "Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish
Women" (The Jewish Forward) 2010.
• "Indispensabile naturalezza: Una conversazione con Federica K.Clementi" in the volume
Wyslawa Szymborska, Opere. Pietro Marchesani, ed. Milan, Italy: Adelphi Edizioni,
2008. (Conversation with the author)
• "'Shoah Delle Donne': Famiglia e Esperienza Personale nella Letteratura Femminile
della Shoah" ["'Women's Shoah:' Family and Personal Experience in Female Shoah Literature"]
in Tra Storia e immaginazione: gli Scrittori ebrei di lingua italiana si raccontano.
Hanna Serkowska, ed. Krakow, Poland: Wydawnictwo RABID, 2008.
In Edited Volumes
• “We Are No Anne Frank. And Yet…” in Creating under Covid, ed. Judith Tydor-Schartz. Bar-Ilan University, Israel: The Finkler Institute of
Holocaust Studies, 2020; 131-32.
• “An Academic Autobiography in Seven Uneasy Vignettes,” in Her Story, My Story? Writing about Women and the Holocaust, eds. Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Dalia Ofer. Bern, Sweitzerland: Peter Lang,
2020; 235-247.
• “Of Mice and Women” in Jewish Women’s Comics: Borders and Bodies, Andrea Greenbaum et al. eds.Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2019. (Forthcoming)
• “Federica K. Clementi on Aline Kominsky-Crumb,” in Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women.Sarah Lightman ed. New Jersey: McFarland, 2014. Graphic Details won the Will Eisner Comic Industry Award 2015.
• “Introduction,” “Discussion Questions,” and “Exercises” for Art Spiegelman's MAUS: A Survivor's Tale. The Carolina Reader. 1rst, 2nd, 3rd eds. Hayden McNeil, 2014: 134-142.
Mass Media
• “The End of the Holocaust: Looking on from Far away” - in The FreeTimes, April 15,
2020. (Distribution reach: 2.000.000)
• “Teaching the Holocaust in the South after Charlottesville” in The Daily Kos, August 11, 2018.
• “Antisemitism: Paving the Path to Genocide,” in The State newspaper, Special Supplement
from the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission, April 6 (2018) 4-5.
• “Describing the Indescribable: ‘Holocaust’ and Its Meaning” in The State, A Special
Supplement from the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission, April 12 (2015) 5 and
• “‘How Could This Have Happened?’: Trying to Understand the Holocaust” in The State,
A Special Supplement from the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission, April 13 (2014)