Department of English Language and Literature
Elaine Chun
Title: | Associate Professor |
Department: | English Language and Literature College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-576-5986 |
Office: | HUO, Room 210 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae [pdf] Linguistics Program English Language and Literature |

Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin, 2007
A.B. in Linguistics, Stanford University, 1995
Linguistic anthropology
Language, race, gender, and sexuality
Asian American language
Language in new media
• Korean Popular Culture & Language
• Language & Racism
• Introduction to Language
• Introduction to Language Sciences
• Language Conflict & Language Rights
• Language & Whiteness
• Language in Society
• The English Language
Graduate and Undergraduate
• Language, Race & Ethnicity in the U.S.
• Language & Gender
• Research Methods in Linguistics
• Survey of Linguistics
• Language & Race
• Discourse Analysis
• Language Contact Phenomena
• Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Research Projects
One of my current projects focuses on language and racism in U.S. public space. I explore what makes language hearable as racist and how anti-racist strategies can reshape racial ideologies.
Another project focuses on language in transnational social media contexts. I examine how the language of social media users, such as Asian American YouTube stars and K-pop (Korean popular music) fans, becomes collaboratively interpreted by viewers across trajectories of media commentary.
In past and current projects, I have investigated language practices that appear to traverse boundaries of race or nation, such as when Asian Americans stylize Asian immigrants, mock privileged white girls, or emulate African Americans. I have explored the ideologies of race, gender, and sexuality that these practices reproduce as well as the local cultural projects they serve.
• Forthcoming. Chun, Elaine. The Possibilities and Perils of Mock Spanish. In Jane Hill, Christina
Leza, Barbara Meek, & Jacqueline Messing. The Everyday Language of White Racism, Second Edition with Essays. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden, MA.
• Forthcoming. Brennan, Sara C., Chun, Elaine, Dlaske, Kati, Karrebæk, Martha Sif, Rambukwella, Harshana.
Authentic problems: Critical reflections on theorizing authenticity. Critical Sociolinguistic Dialogues: The Constitution of a Field, Mi-Cha Flubacher & Alfonso Del Percio (eds.), Bloomsbury.
• Forthcoming. Chun, Elaine. Easy-Linguistics. ‘Untold Autoethnographic Stories of (In)Justice, Teaching, and Scholarship: Textu(r)alities
in and beyond Applied Linguistics, Ari Sherris and Joy Kreeft Peyton (eds.). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
• 2021. Crowley, Archie & Chun, Elaine. Online Research and New Media. Research Methods in Linguistic Anthropology, Sabina Perrino and Sonya Pritzker (eds.). New York: Bloomsbury Academic Press.
• 2021. Chun, Elaine & Walters, Keith. At the Crossroads of Language, Race, and Sexuality.
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Kira Hall and Rusty Barrett (eds.). New York: Oxford University Press.
• 2020. Lo, Adrienne & Chun, Elaine. Language, Race, and Reflexivity: A View from Linguistic
Anthropology. The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race, 25-46. H. Samy Alim, Angela Reyes, and Paul Kroskrity (eds.). New York: Oxford University
• 2018. Chun, Elaine. Listening to the Southern Redneck: Pathways of Contextualization on
YouTube. American Speech, 93 (3–4): 425–44. Special issue edited by Jennifer Cramer and Dennis Preston.
• 2017. Chun, Elaine. How to drop a name: Hybridity, purity, and the K-pop fan. Language in Society. Special issue edited by Adrienne Lo and Joseph Park.
• 2016. McKinney, Julia & Chun, Elaine. Celebrations of a Satirical Song: Ideologies of
Anti-Racism in the Media. Nancy Bell (ed.) Language Play. De Gruyter Mouton.
• 2016. Chun, Elaine. The meaning of ching-chong: Language, racism, and response in new media. In H. Samy
Alim, Arnetha F. Ball & John R. Rickford (eds.). Raciolinguistics: How language shapes our ideas about race, 81-96. New York: Oxford University Press.
• 2015. Chun, Elaine & Lo, Adrienne. Language and Racialization. Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology, 220-232. Nancy Bonvillain (ed.). New York: Routledge.
• 2013. Chun, Elaine. Ironic Blackness as Masculine Cool: Asian American Language and Authenticity on YouTube. Applied Linguistics 34 (5), 592-612. Special issue edited by Anna De Fina and Sabina Perrino.
• 2013. Chun, Elaine. Styles of Pledging allegiance: Practicing youth citizenship in the United States. Language & Communication 33(4B), 500–514. Special issue edited by Jennifer Reynolds & Elaine Chun.
• 2013. Reynolds, Jennifer & Chun, Elaine. Introduction: Figuring citizenship: Communicative practices mediating the cultural
politics of citizenship and age. Language & Communication 33(4B), 473-480.
• 2011. Chun, Elaine. Reading race beyond black and white. Discourse & Society 22(4), 403-21. Special issue edited by H. Samy Alim & Angela Reyes.
• 2011. Chun, Elaine & Walters, Keith. Orienting to Arab Orientalisms: Language, race, and humor in a YouTube video. In Crispin Thurlow & Kristine Mroczek (eds.). Digital Discourse: Language in the New Media, 251-273. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• 2009. Chun, Elaine. Speaking like Asian immigrants: Intersections of accommodation and mocking at a U.S.
high school. Pragmatics 19, 17-38. Special issue edited by Mary Bucholtz & Elena Skapoulli.
• 2009. Chun, Elaine. Ideologies of legitimate mockery: Margaret Cho’s revoicings of mock Asian. In Angela Reyes and Adrienne Lo (eds.). Beyond Yellow English: Towards a Linguistic Anthropology of Asian Pacific America, 261-287. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• 2006. Chun, Elaine. Taking the mike: Performances of everyday identities and ideologies at a U.S. high
school. In Er-Xin Lee, Kris M. Markman, Vivian Newdick and Tomoko Sakuma (eds.). SALSA XIII: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium about Language and Society—Austin, 39-49. Austin, TX: Department of Linguistics, University of Texas.
• 2004. Chun, Elaine. Ideologies of legitimate mockery: Margaret Cho's revoicings of mock Asian. Pragmatics 14, 263-289, Special issue edited by Adrienne Lo & Angela Reyes.
• 2001. Chun, Elaine. The construction of white, black, and Korean American identities through African American
Vernacular English. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 11, 52-64. Special issue edited by Mary Bucholtz & Sara Trechter.