School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment
Faculty and Staff Directory
Joe Quattro
Title: | Professor |
Department: | Biological Sciences; Earth, Ocean and Environment College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-3240 |
Office: | EWS, Room 716 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae [pdf] School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment Department of Biological Sciences |

Marine Population Genetics
MSCI 536/Biol 536: Icthyology MSCI 552/Biol 552: Population Genetics
* denotes student or postdocs
Arendt, M.D., A.L. Segars, J.I. Byrd, J. Boynton, J.D. Whitaker, L. Parker, D.W. Owens, G. Blanvillain, J.M. Quattro, and M.A. Roberts. 2012. Seasonal distribution patterns of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) following capture from a shipping channel in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology 159(1):127–139.
Arendt, M.D., A.L. Segars, J.I. Byrd, J. Boynton, J.D. Whitaker, L. Parker, D.W. Owens, G. Blanvillain, J.M. Quattro, and M.A. Roberts. 2012. Distributional patterns of adult male loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA during and after a major annual breeding aggregation. Marine Biology 159(1):101–112.
Arendt, MD, Schwenter JA, Segars AL, Byrd JI, Maier PP, Whitaker JD, Owens DW, Blanvillain G, Quattro JM, Roberts MA (2012) Catch rates and demographics of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) captured from the Charleston, South Carolina, shipping channel during the period of mandatory use of turtle excluder devices (TEDs). Fishery Bulletin 110(1):98–109.
Arendt, MD, Schwenter JA, Segars AL, Byrd JI, Whitaker JD, Parker L, Owens DW, Quattro JM, Roberts MA. Dynamic loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) demographics at a key foraging ground in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Ecosphere (in review).
Roy, E.M., J. M. Quattro and T. W. Greig. 2012. Genetic Management of Black Sea Bass: Influence of Biogeographic Barriers on Population Structure. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 4:391–402.
Gaertner K, Chandler GT, Quattro J, Ferguson PL, Sabo-Attwood T. 2012. Identification and expression of the ecdysone receptors in the harpacticoid copepod, Amphiascus tenuiremis, in response to fipronil. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 76:39-45 (2012).
Auld, R.R., J.M. Quattro, and T.J.S. Merritt. 2012. Molecular Evolution of Teleost Neural Isozymes. J Mol Evol 75:198–213.
Dominguez GA, Quattro JM, Denslow ND, Kroll KJ, Prucha MS, Porak WF, Grier HJ, Sabo-Attwood TL. 2012. Identification and transcriptional modulation of the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, vitellogenin receptor during oocyte development by insulin and sex steroids. Biol Reprod 87:67.
Arendt, MD, Boynton J, Schwenter JA, Segars AL, Byrd JI, Whitaker JD, Parker L, Owens DW, Blanvillain G, Quattro JM, Roberts MA. Spatial clustering of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) captured by trawling in coastal waters of the Northwest (NW) Atlantic Ocean, and implications for management surveys. Endangered Species Research (accepted).