School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment
Faculty and Staff Directory
Gwendelyn Geidel
Title: | Distinguished Research Professor Emerita |
Department: | Earth Ocean and Environment College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-7171 |
Office: | Jones PSC, Room 108, SUM, Room 309 |
Resources: | School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment |

- Energy Resources
- Environmental Humanities
- Environmental Risks & Hazards
- Society, Policy & Environment
- Sustainability
- Water Resources & Hydrology
Prediction, prevention and remediation of ground and surface water contamination caused by mining and other anthropogenic disturbances of the earth’s surface. Examples include investigations of rock-water interactions from mining activities (including both coal and metal mining in the US and Canada), the degradation of water quality from the oxidation of sulfide minerals, laboratory evaluation of acid and alkaline potentials from rock strata, field investigations of the long term effects of mining, and the implementation at field sites of constructed wetlands, anoxic limestone drains, alkaline trenches and other remediation and reclamation technologies.
- Richard and Lela Barnhisel Researcher of the Year Award from the American Society of Mining and Reclamation. June 2012
- Teacher of the Month Award, Patterson Hall, USC, Spring 2003
- Order of Wig and Robe, 1989
- Member of Sigma Xi, 1976
- Member of Phi Beta Kappa, 1974
1)“Comparison of Hydrologic Characteristics from Two Differently Reclaimed Tailings Ponds; Graves Mountain, Lincolnton, GA ,” G. Geidel., 2012, Journal of Amer. Soc. of Mining and Reclamation, Ed. R. Barnhisel, Lexington, KY, vol 1, no 1.
2) “Guidelines and Recommendations for the Use of Kinetic Tests for Coal Mining (AMD)
Prediction in the
Eastern U.S.,” Chapter 5 of Prediction of Water Quality at Surface Coal Mines, Edited
by R.L.P.
Kleinmann, Nat’l Mine Land Recl. Center, WVU, Morgantown, WV (G. Geidel, F. Caruccio,
Hornberger and K. Brady) (2000).
3) “Geochemical Factors Affecting Coal Mine Drainage Quality,” Chapter 5 of Reclamation
of Drastically
Disturbed Lands, 2nd Ed., American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI (G. Geidel, F.
4) “Reclamation of Kyanite Mine Tailings with Surface Reconfiguration,” G. Geidel,
F. Caruccio and R.
Dotson., Amer. Soc. of Surface Mining and Reclamation, August 1999, Scottsdale, AZ;
Proceedings of…, Lexington, KY. pp. 198-207 (1999).
5) “Handbook on Remediation and Avoidance Technologies, Acid Drainage Technology Initiative,”
Editor, WV Nat’l Mine Land Recl. Center, Morgantown, WV (1998).
6) “Status Report: Long Term Effects of Alkaline Trenches and Funnels at the Mercer
Site,” G. Geidel, WV
Surface Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium, April 1995, Morgantown, WV; in Proceedings
WV Mining and Reclamation Assoc., Charleston, WV (1995).
7) “Overburden Analyses; Some Important Factors, G. Geidel, F. Caruccio and W. Bradham.
WV Surface
Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium, April 1993, Morgantown, WV, paper appears in
Proceedings of ...,” WV Mining and Reclamation Assoc., Charleston, WV (1993).
8) “Pyritic Materials: Acid Drainage, Soil Acidity, and Liming, Chapter of Reclamation
of Surface-Mined
Lands,” G. Geidel, F. Caruccio and L. Hossner, Vol. 1, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton,
FL (1988).
9) “Evaluation of Surface Application of Limestone for Controlling Acid Mine Discharges
from Abandoned
Strip Mines: Sewellsville, Ohio,” G. Geidel, F. Caruccio. EPA-600/2-84-004, National
Tech. Info.
Service, Springfield, VA, (1984).