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School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment

Faculty and Staff Directory

Claudia Benitez-Nelson

Title: Distinguished Professor
Senior Associate Dean for College Initiatives and Interdisciplinary Programs
Department: Earth Ocean and Environment
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: Petigru: 803-777-0525; EWS: 803-777-0018
Office: Petigru College, Office 313
EWS, Office 408

Curriculum Vitae [pdf]

Lab Website

Dr. Claudia Benitez-Nelson


  • Biogeochemistry & Geochemistry
  • Climate Change
  • Coastal Processes
  • Oceanography
  • Society, Policy & Environment
  • Water Resources & Hydrology


(* Denotes graduate student or postdoc as author, **Denotes my undergraduate student as author) 
H-Index Web of Science: 46
Google Scholar: 55

Benitez-Nelson, CR, McNeal, KS, Jones, WJ (2023) Improving Retention of Underrepresented Groups in the Geosciences through an Intensive First-Year Experience at the University of South Carolina Oceanography Magazine, 36(4),

*Szewczyk, CJ, Smith, E, Benitez-Nelson, CR (2023) Temperature sensitivity of oxygen demand varies as a function of organic matter source, Frontiers in Marine Science, 10

Motta, LC, Blum, JD, Popp, BN, Umhau, BP, Benitez-Nelson, CR, Close, HG, Washburn, SJ, Drazen, HC (2022). Mercury Isotopic Evidence for the Importance of Particles as a Source of Mercury to Marine Organisms, PNAS, 19 (44) e2208183119,

*McCabe, K, Smith, E, Lang, S, Osburn, C, Benitez-Nelson, CR (2021) Particulate and dissolved organic matter in storm water runoff influences oxygen demand in urbanized headwater catchments, Environmental Science and Technology,

*Davis, CV, Livsey, CM, Palmer, HM, Hull, PM, Thomas, E, Hill, TM, Benitez-Nelson, CR (2020) Extensive morphological variability in asexually produced planktic foraminifera. Science Advances, 6, eabb8930. https://advances.sciencemag. org/content/6/28/eabb8930.

*Sarno, CT, Benitez-Nelson, CR, Ziolkowski, LA, Hendy, IL, *Davis, CV, Tappa, EJ, Thunell, RC (2020) The Impacts of Flood, Drought, and Turbidites on Organic Carbon Burial over the Past 2,000 years in the Santa Barbara Basin, California, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, e2020PA003849.

*Bell, DW, Pellechia, P, Ingall, E.D., Benitez-Nelson, CR (2020) Resolving marine dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) composition in a coastal estuary, North Inlet, South Carolina.  Limnology and Oceanography, 

Osborne, EO, Thunell, RC, Gruber, N, Feely, RF, Benitez-Nelson, CR (2019) Climatic Modulation of Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification in the California Current, Nature Geoscience, 13, 43–49 (2020)


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