Baruch Institute
Faculty and Staff
Mariah Livernois
Title: | Postdoctoral Researcher, Marine Field Laboratory Adjunct Faculty |
Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences | |
Email: | |
Phone: | 843-904-9025 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae [pdf] Google Scholar |

B.S. Environmental Science, Northeastern University, 2015
M.S. Marine Science, University of South Alabama, 2018
Ph.D. Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, 2022
My research focuses on the ecology of coastal and estuarine systems, primarily exploring the movements, habitat use patterns, and trophic dynamics of fishes using a wide array of methodologies. At BMFL, I am leading a large collaborative research group investigating the viability of natural alternatives to plastic products in coastal environmental applications (habitat restoration, aquaculture, and water quality protection).
Livernois, M.C., Ogburn, M.B., Legett, H.D., Richie, K.D., Aguilar, R., Heggie, K., & Furey, N.B. 2024. Tracking animal movements via collaborative acoustic telemetry networks: multiscale habitat use, phenology, and management insights. Journal of Fish Biology 2024:1-20.
Ogburn, M.B., Legett, H.D., Aguilar, R., Furey, N.B., Heggie, K., Livernois, M.C., & Richie, K.D. 2024. Acoustic telemetry captures the full annual migration of alewife between Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Maine. Marine Ecology Progress Series 745:115-124.
Livernois, M.C., Rezek, R.J., & Wells, R.J.D. 2024. Spatial and Ontogenetic Trophic Dynamics of Co-occurring Predatory Fishes in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 47:1119-1138.
Livernois, M.C., Mohan, J.A., TinHan, T.C., Richards, T.M., Falterman, B.J., Miller, N.R., & Wells, R.J.D. 2021. Ontogenetic patterns of elemental tracers in the vertebrae cartilage of coastal and oceanic sharks. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:704134.
Gittman, R.K., Scyphers, S.B., Baillie, C.J., Brodmerkel, A., Grabowski, J.H., Livernois, M., Poray, A.K., Smith, C.S., & Fodrie, F.J. 2021. Reversing a tyranny of cascading shoreline-protection decisions driving coastal habitat loss. Conservation Science and Practice 2021:e490.
Livernois, M.C., Fujiwara, M., Fisher, M., & Wells, R.J.D. 2021. Seasonal patterns of habitat suitability and spatiotemporal overlap within an assemblage of estuarine predators and prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 668:39-55.
Livernois, M.C., Powers, S.P., Albins, M.A., & Mareska, J.F. 2020. Habitat Associations and Co-Occurrence Patterns of Two Estuarine-Dependent Predatory Fishes. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 12:64-77.
Fujiwara, M., Martinez-Andrade, F., Wells, D., Fisher, M., Pawluk, M., & Livernois, M. 2019. Climate-related factors cause changes in the diversity of fish and invertebrates in subtropical coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Communications Biology 2(403).
Livernois, M.C., Fodrie, F.J., Heck, Jr., K.L., & Powers, S.P. 2019. Emergent intraspecific multiple predator effects shape estuarine trophic dynamics across a gradient of habitat complexity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 511:120-128.
Livernois, M.C., Grabowski, J.H., Poray, A.K., Gouhier, T.C., Hughes, A.R., O’Brien, K.F., Yeager, L.A., & Fodrie, F.J. 2017. Effects of habitat fragmentation on Zostera marina seed distribution. Aquatic Botany 142:1-9.