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Office of the Provost

Welcome back for Fall 2024

August 16, 2024

Dear faculty,

Welcome back! I am celebrating your return to campus after what has – hopefully – been a summer of recharging for you. The Division of Academic Affairs has been hard at work preparing to welcome you back for a robust fall semester. As we enter this new season, I am already grateful for your diligent attention to our students both new and returning.

As you know, one of our institution’s top priorities is holistic support for keeping these students enrolled and graduating on time. You are a key part of their academic journey, and there are some actions you can take early in the semester to help retain even more students.

We recommend that you require a graded assessment that is indicative of class performance in your course by week four and no later than week six. Early feedback of this type has been found to reduce DFW and drop rates, as poor performance on this assessment can function as an early warning that a student should be referred to one of our numerous support services:

Let’s work together to make this fall a successful semester and retain as many students as possible. If you have questions or need further information, please contact Dr. Lara Lomicka Anderson, vice provost and dean of undergraduate studies, at

I am, as always, proud to be your provost.

Forever to Thee,

Donna Arnett, Ph.D.
Provost and EVP for Academic Affairs

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
