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Office of the Provost

Tenure and Promotion

Submit Tenure & Promotion Candidates

This form below has been created for campuses, colleges and schools to easily submit information for all tenure, promotion, annual review, third-year review and post-tenure review candidates. Typically candidate names are submitted by the dean’s office; unit tenure and promotion committee chairs should report candidate names through their department chair.

Please note that there are two tenure and promotion cycles in the academic year on the Columbia campus, a fall cycle and a spring cycle. The cycle names reference the deadlines for candidate file submission and unit voting; thus, fall cycle files are due in August, and unit voting occurs in September, while spring cycle files are due in January, with unit voting occurring in February.  Consult the Tenure Clock Guide to identify the correct cycle for submission or to view tenure and promotion calendars.

Please contact the Provost's Office with any questions at 777-2808 or

If you are attempting to submit a candidate name for a cycle that is not available in the drop-down menus, please do not use this form, but instead email the relevant information to

Please submit only tenure-track faculty actions through this form at this time. A new submission form is currently under development for reporting candidates for professional-track faculty promotions; this will be posted prior to the November 5 deadline to report professional-track faculty candidates to the Office of the Provost.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
