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Division of Human Resources

HR Toolbox

As a Human Resource professional you support the needs of our university employees. Forms, documentation and other communication are essential to ensuring you have the resources you need to achieve success.

Note: In order to see the most recent version of the documents provided on this website, please refresh your browser after you open the document. 
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – A practical and confidential resource for permanent employees and their dependents. The EAP provides many different types of assistance such as counseling, legal assistance, financial and health and wellness services.  
  • Gamecocks LiveWell – A comprehensive worksite wellness program addressing all dimensions of wellness for faculty and staff members.
  • PEBA's Health and Wellness Programs – A number of health management programs, value-based benefits and perks offered through the Standard and Savings health plans.
  • USC's Employee Wellness Programs

Tools and Resources


Measles is a highly contagious disease.  In the event of an outbreak the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) will take steps to limit the spread of the disease.  As part of their efforts, if an outbreak occurs on our campus DHEC will require all faculty and staff to prove measles immunity. Individuals unable to provide proof of immunization will not be allowed to report to work if they work in an outbreak area as identified by DHEC.

The Centers for Disease Control consider you protected if you have written documentation of at least one of the following:

  • You were born before 1957.
  • A laboratory confirmed that you are immune to measles.
  • A laboratory confirmed that you had measles at some point in your life.
  • You are an adult who received two doses of measles-containing vaccine after the age of one.

If you were born during or after 1957 and do not know whether you have been fully vaccinated or had the blood test, it is recommended that you contact your health care provider. 

Depending on your health care coverage you may be eligible to receive the vaccination at no cost.  

  • Adult vaccinations, at intervals recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, are covered at no cost to Savings Plan, Standard Plan and Medicare Supplemental Plan members at participating providers. Coverage includes the cost of the vaccine and administration fee if the member receives the shot in a network doctor’s office. Any associated office visit charges will follow regular Plan coverage rules.
  • Adult vaccinations, at intervals recommend by the Centers for Disease Control, are also covered by the State Health Plan for primary members if obtained from a network pharmacy.

The vaccination is also being made available to faculty and staff at a reduced cost by the Division of Student Affairs’ Student Health Services Office. (Blood test $29, MMR Vaccine $75)

Faculty and staff are not required to submit their records.  Records storage is offered as a courtesy to faculty and staff.  This storage complies with all HIPAA regulations concerning medical records and provides a convenient way to quickly and safely meet any reporting requirements should a measles outbreak occur.

Faculty should communicate with their department chair to determine acceptable alternative work assignments, including the potential to work remotely. 

Staff should coordinate with their supervisor to determine if it is possible to work remotely. 

Approval for remote work assignments will be given on a case-by-case basis and will depend on the nature of the work and available resources.

Personnel who are not able to work remotely will be required to take sick leave, annual leave, leave without pay, or a combination of these options until the exclusion period has passed.

Personnel who have been excluded, but who can subsequently show proof of effective immunization, may be allowed to return to campus.  For the measles vaccine to work, the body needs time to produce protective antibodies in response to the vaccine. Detectable antibodies generally appear within just a few days after vaccination. People are usually fully protected after about 2 or 3 weeks.

Tools and Resources


Tools and Resources 


Leave forms should be sent to the Division of Human Resources' Benefits Office at,  or the Campus Human Resources Office. 

Take a class...earn a degree...become a lifelong learner with the Employee Tuition Assistance Program.

Cost saving programs are designed to assist departments in managing costs and tailoring the workforce to better meet current and future needs. These may include:

  • Reduction in Force (RIF)
  • Retirement Incentive Program (RIP)
  • Voluntary Separation Program (VSP)
  • Furlough (mandatory and voluntary)
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – A practical and confidential resource for permanent employees and their dependents. The EAP provides many different types of assistance such as counseling, legal assistance, financial and health and wellness services.
  • Grievances – There are laws, regulations, policies and procedures in place to provide covered employees an opportunity to challenge specific unfavorable employment actions they believe were issued inconsistently, improperly or not in accordance with University policy.
  • Integrity Line – If talking with your supervisor or other administrator is not an option in dealing with a workplace concern, the USC Integrity Line is an anonymous reporting system, administered by an independent third-party provider, Lighthouse Services, Inc., to report your concerns about questionable or unethical behavior. 
  • Applicant Review Template [pdf] – This should be used to compare the candidates against set criteria to determine who to interview. The hiring manager should develop a job specific template prior to reviewing applications. A sample review template [pdf] may help you get started.
  • Attestation of Hiring Process Form [pdf] – Once a candidate has been selected, the hiring manager must certify that they meet the minimum requirements and that there are no conflicting relationships. Upload this form into PeopleAdmin. 
  • Basic Guidelines for Screening Applicants [pdf] – Hiring managers should follow these guidelines to ensure each application is reviewed carefully and that those chosen to be interviewed meet the minimum requirements for the job. 
  • Diversity Recruitment Resources [pdf]
  • Justification Form [pdf] – Consider crafting a memo or completing this justification form to present to the department head or manager for approval to hire the selected candidate. 
  • Rating Guide [pdf] – After constructing a good set of job-related questions for your interview, you should also produce a rating guide to help score each applicant you interview. 
  • Reference Check [pdf]  Use this form to help conduct a thorough reference check on your top candidate for the job. 

               Laboratory Technologist
               Post Doctoral Fellow
               Research Assistant Professor
               Research Associate

  • Access/Removal Request to Human Resource Systems [pdf] – Complete this form to request or remove access to the following HR Systems:
    • PeopleAdmin/USC Jobs
    • HR Drop Box
    • HR Intranet
    • I-9/E-Verify
    • Background Check
    • Drug Screening
    • Tracking Log Notifications and Payroll Actions Report
    • Other HR Systems
  • PeopleSoft HCM All Access Form [pdf] – Submit a ticket through the Service Now Portal and attach this form to request or remove access for the following roles in PeopleSoft HCM:
    • HR Roles
    • Payroll /Business Manager Roles
    • Finance Roles
    • Time/Labor and Absence Management Approval Roles

Questions regarding all aspects of summer compensation should be directed to HR Operations and Services at:

Tips, resources and strategies to help employees adapt to working remotely.

Summary of Work-Related Injuries Posters

The University's Division of Human Resources Office is required to complete and post these summary reports each year, even if no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year. Other University departments are not required to post these items. 


Payroll Deadlines, Forms and Requirements

HR actions must be submitted to HR Operations and Services on or before noon on the following dates:

2024 Pay Period Ending Deadline (Submit to HR by Noon on) 
January 15, 2024 Thursday, December 7, 2023
January 31 Monday, January 8, 2024
February 15 Thursday, January 18
February 28 Friday, February 2
March 15 Tuesday, February 20
March 31 Friday, March 8
April 15 Friday, March 22
April 30 Friday, April 5
May 15 Friday, April 19
May 31 Monday, May 6
June 15 Thursday, May 23
June 30 Friday, June 7
July 15 Thursday, June 20
July 31 Monday, July 8
August 15 Wednesday, July 17
August 31 Thursday, August 1
September 15 Friday, August 16
September 30 Friday, September 6
October 15 Friday, September 20
October 31 Monday, October 7
November 15 Monday, October 21
November 30 Monday, November 4
December 15 Friday, November 15
December 31 Wednesday, November 27
2025 Pay Period Ending Deadline (Submit to HR by Noon on) 
January 15, 2025 Monday, December 9, 2024
January 31 Wednesday, January 8, 2025
February 15 Monday, January 20
February 28 Monday, February 3
March 15 Wednesday, February 19
March 31 Thursday, March 6
April 15 Friday, March 21
April 30 Monday, April 7
May 15 Monday, April 21
May 31 Tuesday, May 6
June 15 Wednesday, May 21
June 30 Thursday, June 5
July 15 Friday, June 20
July 31 Tuesday, July 8
August 15 Monday, July 21
August 31 Tuesday, August 5
September 15 Tuesday, August 19
September 30 Friday, September 5
October 15 Monday, September 22
October 31 Wednesday, October 8
November 15 Wednesday, October 22
November 30 Monday, November 3
December 15 Monday, November 17
December 31 Wednesday, November 26


Visit the Payroll Office website for information about payroll deadlines and requirements and other useful forms. 

Absence Approval Deadlines

Managers and TL/ABS Approvers should ensure planned absence requests are submitted and approved in the Time and Absence System by 5:00 p.m. on the following dates:

Please note these deadlines are for planned absences only. Unforeseen absences should be submitted and approved as quickly as possible.  

2024 Absence Processing Period Absence Approval Deadlines
(All requests must be submitted and approved by 5:00 p.m.)
January 1 – January 15, 2024 Tuesday, January 2, 2024
January 16 – January 31 Thursday, January 18, 2024
February 1 – February 15 Friday, February 2, 2024
February 16 – February 28 Friday, February 16, 2024
March 1 – March 15 Monday, March 4, 2024
March 16 – March 31 Monday, March 18, 2024
April 1 – April 15 Tuesday, April 2, 2024
April 16 – April 30 Wednesday, April 17, 2024
May 1 – May 15 Thursday, May 2, 2024
May 16 – May 31 Friday, May 17, 2024
June 1 – June 15 Monday, June 3, 2024
June 16 – June 30 Monday, June 17, 2024
July 1 – July 15 Monday, July 1, 2024
July 16 – July 31 Thursday, July 18, 2024
August 1 – August 15 Friday, August 2, 2024
August 16 – August 31 Monday, August 19, 2024
September 1 – September 15 Tuesday, September 2, 2024
September 16 – September 30 Tuesday, September 17, 2024
October 1 – October 15 Monday, October 4, 2024
October 16 – October 31 Friday, October 18, 2024
November 1 – November 15 Monday, November 4, 2024
November 16 – November 30 Thursday, November 14, 2024
December 1 – December 15 Monday, December 2, 2024
December 16 – December 31, 2024 Monday, December 9, 2024

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
