Beats and Biscuits
Join Dr. Armen Shaomian, for brunch and live music in the Principal's Residence!
There are many ways to get to know your fellow Preston students. Try out a range of fun, new experiences by joining in on an upcoming event or trip.
View the calendar to see what's happening this week. Common spaces may be reserved by students, unless an event is previously scheduled.
Find out details about upcoming trips or check out all the different places we've gone on previous trips.
Preston is rich with tradition, but not stuck in tradition. What new initiatives will you bring to Preston?
Join Dr. Armen Shaomian, for brunch and live music in the Principal's Residence!
Join your friends and fellow scholars at our annual end-of-year banquet. Awards will be presented, organizations will be recognized, and we will bid farewell to those students who are moving on. Dress up for a great time!
This interactive forum gives Preston residents a unique opportunity to learn from expert faculty, community partners and visiting scholars on a range of topics. Past discussions include: Chocolate Around the World, the FIFA World Cup, the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien and Women in Science.
Students will experience 1-2 days engaging in activities about leadership and teamwork while getting to spend time together as a community outside of campus. Past themes of leadership weekend include communication, delegation, inclusion, and more.