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Division of Information Technology

Business Intelligence Council

The Business Intelligence Council is a decision-making body that sets priorities, monitors performance, and steers efforts with data analytics, business intelligence, and reporting. The council meets four times a year or more frequently at its own direction. The senior-most institutional research/effectiveness officer for each senior campus and Palmetto College are ex officio members. One senior representative each for Enrollment Management, Finance, Human Resources, and Student Affairs are also represented.


Caroline Maulana - Program Manager, Business Intelligence Strategist, Division of Information Technology
Stacy Lee - Interim Council Chair (22-23), Human Resources Information Systems Manager 

Ex Officio Members

Donald Miles - OIRAA Office Executive Director, USC Columbia
Melissa Williams-Smith - Research and Data Analyst, USC Upstate
Brian Mallory - Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Research, USC Beaufort
Amber Novotny - Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Services, Palmetto College
Nicole Spensley - Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Compliance, USC Aiken

Core Data Domain Strategic Leads

Stacey Bradley - Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support
Kelly Epting  - Associate Vice President for Finance and Budget
Stacy Lee - Human Resources Information Systems Manager 
Scott Verzyl - Vice President for Enrollment Management 

Action Items

Action Date  Decision

 BI Council to approve changes to CarolinaAnalytics landing page and site re-org to enhance user experience as well as improve access and permissions to the Tableau Server. 

October 12, 2022 Approved

The request by Columbia UG Admissions to include test data in CarolinaAnalytics Core Content reporting has been approved by the BI Council with notes.  After changes are implemented, dashboards will include tooltips when necessary and detailed verbiage in the Data Dictionary to call out potential of variances by campus. Changes in scoring methodology and coding for test optional admits varies by campus, so each campus needs to proceed with their own plan.

January 31, 2022 Approved

The Business Intelligence Council was asked to review the full intent and meaning of the Pristine From Day One standard document and to endorse it along with a time-critical provision for alternative path under the circumstances of COVID-19.

April 27, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council was asked to encourage each campus to validate its own admissions data and ask respective campus IR offices to join its admissions office.  May 27, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council endorsed naming USC's analytics sites: CarolinaAnalytics and CarolinaDataworks. June 4, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council agreed to recalibrate the project schedule to support the university’s launch this fall of the new strategic plan. We will use via HelioCampus and to illustrate select baseline metrics (for system-wide data) by which future goals will be measured. This includes accelerated delivery in September of some student enrollment and success views in CarolinaAnalytics, to roughly coincide with President Caslen’s strategic plan update to the Board of Trustees.  July 20, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council endorsed branding SC's analytics sites with three logos: one for the platform (, a second specific to CarolinaAnalytics and a third one for CarolinaDataworks. September 9, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council approved an addition of a seventh standard (Each data visualization, including dashboards, will undergo a formal review and refinement to ensure digital accessibility compliance) on the Pristine From Day One standard document. September 9, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council unanimously voted that the FinAid implementation proceed per the original project timeline and Admissions be pushed out to early 2021. This decision came up as the project team has had to shift efforts to focus on tasks related to LMS analytics, COVID-10 reporting, and September board reporting running in parallel to the HelioCampus project implementation support. September 9, 2020 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council agreed to have one Single Admissions, similar to the Enrollments dashboards, which will be visible to all permitted users. Site and tableau license roles of Viewer, Explorer, and Creator will dictate access to dashboards and Data Stewards will be consulted to advise on specific drill-down permissions.  January 11, 2021  Approved
With a delay in receiving dashboard validation feedback, there were several logic changes pending. The Business Intelligence Council discussed concerns of CarolinaAnalytics debuting with the flagship campus’ Admissions data, unaccompanied by all of the comprehensive campuses - until after go-live. March 19, 2021 Approved to launch with Columbia and Upstate
With the acknowledged afterthought to include Graduate Admissions, a business process analysis was conducted by the project team to assess readiness of data within the HelioCampus platform. The analysis showed revisiting Graduate and Professional School’s Admissions during the in-service phase, to be the only option given the quickly approaching April launch. March 19, 2021 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council unanimously decided to move forward and implement remaining six campuses (Aiken, Beaufort, Lancaster, Salkehatchie, Sumter, and Union) at once. Palmetto College will go through the validation process as a single unit/group. May 17, 2021 Approved
The Business Intelligence Council was asked to encourage each campus to validate its own admissions data and ask respective campus IR offices to join its admissions office.    May 27, 2020 Approved

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