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Academic Advising

    Awards and National Contributions

    The University Advising Center is proud to recognize its award-winning programs and staff. 

    Award Winning Advisors and Programs 

    The UAC has won the following awards from the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) through their Global Awards Program

    2022: National Winner, NACADA Outstanding New Advisor Award -Caleb Morris

    2021:  National Winner, NACADA Outstanding Advising Program- Advisor Training Program 

    2021: Certificate of Merit, NACADA Outstanding Advisor Award- Katy Caulder

    2020: Certificate of Merit, NACADA Outstanding Advising Program- Undergraduate Academic Advising 

    2019: Certificate of Merit, NACADA Outstanding New Advisor Award, Michael Burgos

    2018: Certificate of Merit, NACADA Outstanding Advising Program- Exploratory/Major Change Advising

    Contributions to the National Literature

    Robinson, C., Dial, M., & Bouknight J. (2021). Organizational Restructure Toward Improved Equity for All Undergraduates. In Fountain, C. (Ed.). (2021). Academic advising as a tool for student success and educational equity.  University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    Campbell, S., Dial, M., & Taylor, C. (2023). Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century. Taylor & Francis.

    Dial, M. T. (2022). Academic Recovery: Supporting Students on Academic Probation. University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    Campbell, S. M., Stevens Taylor, C., & Dial, M. (2024). Concluding thoughts and future thoughts for research and scholarship. In S. M. Campbell, C. Stevens Taylor, & M. Dial (Eds.), Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century (2nd ed., pp. 359-366). Taylor & Francis.

    Robinson, R. & Dial, M. (2023) Advisor Retention and Intentional Career Paths. In Campbell, S., Dial, M., & Taylor, C (Eds). Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century. Taylor & Francis.

    Dial, M., McKeown, P, & Morris, C. (2023). Leading and Creating a Culture of Authenticity. In Campbell, S., Dial, M., & Taylor, C (Eds). Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century. Taylor & Francis.

    Campbell, S. M., Stevens Taylor, C., & Dial, M. (2024). Introduction. In S. M. Campbell, C. Stevens Taylor, & M. Dial (Eds.), Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century (2nd ed., pp. 1-8). Taylor & Francis.

    Dial, M. T. (2022). What we know about students on probation and supporting them. In M. T. Dial (Ed). Academic Recovery: Supporting Students on Academic Probation (pp. 1-14). University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    Morris, C.. & Harris, A. (2022). Institutional policies on probation, dismissal, and reinstatement. In M. T. Dial (Ed). Academic Recovery: Supporting Students on Academic Probation (pp. 15-36). University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    Robinson, C. (2022). Coaching students on probation. In M. T. Dial (Ed). Academic Recovery: Supporting Students on Academic Probation (pp. 83-102). University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    ​Dial, M. T. & McKeown, P. (2022). Early alert and academic intervention. In M. T. Dial (Ed). Academic Recovery: Supporting Students on Academic Probation (pp. 83-102). University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    ​Gebauer, R. & Dial, M. T. (2022). Intentionality and integration within academic probation. In M. T. Dial (Ed). Academic Recovery: Supporting Students on Academic Probation (pp. 161-170). University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    Dial, M., Estrada, S. M., & Young, D. G. (2019). Discussion and implications. In D. G. Young (Ed.), 2017 National Survey on The First-Year Experience: Structures for Supporting Student Success (Research Report on College Transitions No. 9). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition.

    Dean, M. Sparks, B., & Chamberlain, K. (2023). Advising practices in the second-year student experience. Academic Advising Today, 46(4)

    Dial, M. (2023). On cruelty-free advising: An organizational philosophy. Academic Advising Today, 46(3)

    Dial, M., Bouknight, J., & McKeown, P. (2021).  Appreciative onboarding and professional development of academic advisors. Journal of Appreciative Education, 2(1), 47-61

    Dial, M., & McKeown, P. (2020, December). Academic early alert and intervention: Why academic advisors are best suited to intervene with at-risk students. Academic Advising Today, 43(4).

    Dial, M., & McKeown, P. (2019). Beyond faculty referrals: Advisor facilitated early intervention. Academic Advising Today, 42(4).



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