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Arnold School of Public Health

  • team

Technology and Behavioral Intervention Lab

Our lab’s goal is to develop effective technology-supported behavioral programs to help adults increase physical activity, decrease sedentary time, improve diet, and lose weight.



The Pellegrini Lab at Discover USC 2024

  • KD Discover USC 2024

    Katherine Devivo

    "Dog Walking is PAWSitively Related with Sleep Quality Among Dog Owners"

  • Kailyn Discover USC 2024

    Kailyn Horn

    "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Differences in Adults with High and Low Physical Function After Knee Replacement"

  • Alex Discover USC 2024

    Alex Verlohr

    "Evaluating Sedentary Time and Any Association with Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms"

  • Brittany Discover USC 2024

    Brittany Sutton

    "Differences in Health Related Outcomes and Depression Symptoms in African American Women with Arthritis"

  • Kaitlin Discover USC 2024

    Kaitlin Milam

    "Is There an Association between BMI Levels and Adherence to Coaching Calls in a Physical Activity Intervention for Adults with Arthritis?"

  • Tyson Discover USC 2024

    Tyson Ansani

    "Does Co-Sleeping with a Dog Influence Dog Owners' Sleep Quality or PA Levels?"


Fall Festival 2022

Katty, Scott, Krystal and Tyson (pictured left to right) attended the Lexington Police Department Foundation Fall Festival on October 25, 2022 to recruit participants for our ongoing CDC Project!


Katherine DeVivo has completed Entering Mentoring!

Entering Mentoring training is an evidence-based, interactive approach to becoming an effective mentor that will help develop the skills for engaging in productive, culturally responsive mentoring relationships, relationships that optimize success for the mentor and the mentee.  KD completed the training through the Center for Teaching Excellence at UofSC.


Currently Recruiting Participants

healthy living logo

Want to manage your health and lifestyle after a knee replacement?

We are offering free participation in a research program designed specifically for people after knee replacement!

Participants will:

  • Attend 5 assessment visits over 18 months and will receive $50 after each assessment
  • Receive 12 months of telephone calls with a coach who will help you set goals and build confidence for managing your health and behaviors after knee replacement

You may be eligible if you:

  • Recently had a knee replacement (>3 month ago)
  • Have a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet
  • Have a body mass index between 27-45 kg/m
  • Are willing to attend 5 research study visits (Columbia or Greenville locations)

Visit to find out more or contact us at 803-777-1889 or

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
