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South Carolina Honors College

Other Departmental Awards

The awards on this page are available exclusively to students of the South Carolina Honors College. These funds have been provided by generous donors and support students engaged in research, study abroad, internships and service learning. Information - including dates, award amounts and eligibility - is subject to change.

This fund was established to enable Honors College students to engage in and learn from community service work. Preference is given to those students conducting fieldwork in the areas of AIDS-HIV issues, children's issues, education, housing, women's issues and inter-generational programming. This fellowship is awarded at the beginning of each semester.
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The Bernard and Arline Ramsdale Fellowship is awarded to Honors College students for community service initiatives.
It is not available for the current academic year.
Renewal: TBD
Application: Interested students should contact Dylan Adame to arrange an interview and complete and application.
Application Deadline: TBD
Contact: Dylan Adame

Established by Edmund Foley's mother to honor his memory as a creative and thoughtful student.

Award Amount: Up to $1,000

Eligibility: Eligibility will be determined by the Honors College thesis coordinator and a review committee. The Foley family established this fund to assist students who are pursuing senior theses that reflect Edmund’s interest in the “philosophy of mind or another topic addressed in his unique style: creative, thoughtful, tolerant, and fun loving.”

Renewal: This is a one-time, non-renewable award.

Application: The thesis grant application will qualify as the application for this award.

Application Deadline: Varies - view senior thesis information here.

Contact: Dr. Tracy Skipper

Established by Ann and Michael Ryan, graduates of the university and parents of an Honors College alumna.

Award Amount: Varies

Eligibility: The Ryan Family Bicentennial Fellowship Fund supports undergraduate research and is awarded to worthy Honors College students enrolled in the Darla Moore School of Business or the School of Journalism and Mass Communications. The fellowship(s) will be awarded by the Research Fellowship Committee of the South Carolina Honors College.

Renewal: This is a one-time, non-renewable award.

Application: Yes; contact Ajay Patel.

Application Deadline: Varies

Contact: Ajay Patel

Numerous donors established this fund in memory of Summer Smith Taylor, a 1993 Honors College and Carolina Scholar alumna.  After graduating from the University of South Carolina, Taylor went on to become an associate professor at Clemson University.
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The Summer Smith Taylor Internship Award supports current Honors College students engaged in internships where technical writing is a substantial part of their job duties (i.e. more than 50%).  Students must be in good standing with the South Carolina Honors College to be eligible. 
Renewal: This is a one-time, non-renewable award.
Application: To apply, the student must submit a one-page letter of intent explaining why he/she should be considered and how he/she would benefit from the scholarship.  The letter should briefly discuss the student’s financial situation and how this scholarship will help.  A copy of the job description for the technical writing position should also be included.  
Application Deadline: Drop/add date of each academic semester.
Contact: Gabby Coggin


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